Eastern Pennsylvania


New member
Bleumunkie - Sounds like your Kraken is coming along well. What transmitter are you using? I am holding out for a mini build. Just got my electronics together, now I just need some plans :)

Offaxis - I wish I could go, it sounds like a fun time! I won't be back from Kansas until noon Saturday so that pretty much kills it. I do hope to make it to Joe Nall or another big event next year.
Bleumunkie - Sounds like your Kraken is coming along well. What transmitter are you using? I am holding out for a mini build. Just got my electronics together, now I just need some plans :)

Its Done!! A Kraken is born! This thing is super awesome. Excited to maiden when weather cooperates.

I have a DX8. At $300 it wasn't too bad, and the price jump to the DX9 was too much for me. I wanted as many channels as I could justify the price tag on to allow future accessories.

I maidened quick today - got off work an hour early and made a last minute call.

Sorry PhenomPilot, but if I called and waited it would have been dark.

ITS AWESOME! The rudder control on a wing is so amazing. I plan on flying this weekend as long as its not too windy. Location TBA.


New member
Awesome, let me know if you want to get some video or want to fly. I also have the plans for a 130% size Dusty if you want to borrow them.
Franklin County Flyer

Hey, Just wanted to know if anyone that lives around Franklin County PA. I have been flying for 4 or 5 years, just looking for other flite test pilots to fly with. If you are interested, let me know.
Hey, Just wanted to know if anyone that lives around Franklin County PA. I have been flying for 4 or 5 years, just looking for other flite test pilots to fly with. If you are interested, let me know.

Your just too far from me, if I'm in the area I'll hit you up - but I doubt I'll be making any special trips just to fly. Sorry.

If we do some sort of Flite Test Fan Meet up in that area (it is more central pa) then I'll do what I can


Junior Member
Bethlehem too

Hi I'm live in Bethlehem to just starting flying I would like to be able to talk to someone from the area that know were to fly or were to get parts
Phenompilot and myself got together a couple times so far at a park near us. We should all get together sometime if possible....

maybe do a combat!


New member
Tentative fly day and picnic on May 16th in Bernville, PA. I think the last baseball game at the local park starts at noon so I am planinning on a 2-3pm start. We will have burgers and dogs afterwards. Maybe some night flying if anyone is still hanging out. I will confirm that the park is available before we set this in stone.
I will NOT be able to make that on the 16th. I will be at a vow renewal ceremony all weekend. The weekend after I will be in New York visiting my parents. Actually the only weekend in May that I Might have open is the 9-10 but that is Mothers Day weekend so that could be dangerous.
Guinea rolling chassis

I have a rolling chassis going.

Left to do - Wings, Tail, Wheel pants.

Looking forward to a maiden flight.

guinea fuse (50).jpg