FFE'18 WWII - Messerschmitt P.1110/II


Well-known member
Awesome vacation man. That pass is pretty cool. I didn't post the one I was on in Glacier National Park - Logan Pass is the highest point on Going-to-the Sun Road at 6,646 feet (2025 m). Can't fly RC in national parks anymore... but if I could, this would be a good spot.



Cardboard Boy
Well I haven't made much progress lately, only built like half revised the engine pod.

I also have no idea how to join the wings to the body, maybe someone wants to work with me?


Elite member
PM'd you on options for the fuse in Sketchup.

On the wing, look at Mid7Night's A-4 build. The fuse was open at the bottom with a foil shape removed so the fuse just sat on top of the wing (glued of course). This was a reasonably simple but strong wing mount for a bottom mounted wing.



Cardboard Boy
Well I did some more progress today because I was getting tired of getting nothing done
I guess this should be the last version of the rear part of the fuselage, however I think I will need to design the front one in order to joint those to the wings but otherwise im pretty happy with it :cool:


Active member
Interesting. I'm not sure it's my kinda plane, but I'm very interested in your progress nonetheless...

BTW, what does the FFE'18 stand for at the beginning of your post subject? I've noticed several different ones, and I can't figure out what they all mean.



Cardboard Boy
Well, progress is slow because im lazy but im also tired of getting nothing done so I had to do stuff (if that makes sense)
The front part of the fuselage is a bit more complex than the engine pod so I will have to build it differently, instead of having an inner structure with a skin on it it's the outer structure that will give it strenght much like the plane made by DamoRC.
Now, I have to take into account the cut to accept the wings and most of the work should be done, at least until the next problem.


Elite member
Well, progress is slow because im lazy but im also tired of getting nothing done so I had to do stuff (if that makes sense)
View attachment 94837
The front part of the fuselage is a bit more complex than the engine pod so I will have to build it differently, instead of having an inner structure with a skin on it it's the outer structure that will give it strenght much like the plane made by DamoRC.
Now, I have to take into account the cut to accept the wings and most of the work should be done, at least until the next problem.

This is looking really nice - love the way the fuse is coming together.



Cardboard Boy
I built the 3 front sections of the forward fuselage, it isn't perfect but for a first try I think it's fine.
This thing is rigid, it won't need internal structure so that's good :cool:

Edit: I calculated the intake area of the plane and it will be around 50cm², the exhaust will be 26cm² so I have a lot of intake area to spare but given the shape of it I think it won't be a problem, any EDF nerd can confirm?
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Elite member
It's looking good my friend.

The intake area should be fine. Do you have an EDF picked out already?

If you really wanted to split hairs, where the fuse shrinks into the intake will create an adverse pressure gradient and slow down your flow, if not cause boundary layer separation and turbulence. If you really wanted to tune the intake you could try cutting slots around the circumference of the fuse just forward of the intake area to pull off some of the slower boundary layer. Or separate the intake duct from the fuse. You could also start wide on the rear section of the intake and slowly shrink the intake volume to the fan face to increase flow velocity.

I will sketch up a few things for a better visual in a bit.

Honestly though, I think that is getting too technical for a foam EDF.


Cardboard Boy
Not even foam, just cardboard.
It will suck in some boundary layer which is slower but at this scale im not sure it's significant, also the "outer" intake ramp has an angle of 20° and the "inner" cone has an angle of about 25° so the volume increases a bit in front of the fan so I guess presure will get lower there. As for fan, ideally I want to use a 70mm on 6S but with a lower kv motor than the typical 6S setup in order to have scale twr.


Cardboard Boy
I found the cutaway feature of fusion, pretty handy
Guess this can help solve some questions, at least it looks nice :rolleyes:


Cardboard Boy
Built the whole forward fuselage exept the canopy that I haven't designed yet.
Now I need to build a new pair of wings to fix some issues and hopefully this plane will fly soon!


Cardboard Boy
Oh wow I actually did something this time.
Built the new pair of wing and this time they are actually fitting together, then I attached the fuselage to it for pics.
messy desk for scale
Making that part fit well in CAD was like the hardest part but I managed to do it

Interior is still hollow and no electronics anywhere so I will have to detach it and find out how to put stuff inside, I guess it could fly somewhat soon :cool:


Elite member
This is coming on brilliantly. Looking forward to seeing the plans - I'd like to have a go building this when ready.
