FliteFest 2015 Registration is Open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
No paypal accepted..
Welp, I planned on getting a new credit card for the occasion anyway.
Just need to get it a little sooner now, I guess...


Flyer Of Many Things
I take it there is a spot to charge batteries other than car hook-up???
And can you buy motors and ESCs etc.??
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IFlyRC - The build tent(s) will have 120 V A/C to plug into. Crafty Dan is the man who will bring the power to the masses. (Dan, do you know if FT is planning on renting a mega-generator? How about that mobile wifi we talked about last year?).

Fortunately, (or unfortunately from my wife's point of view) YES, there will be vendors selling all manner of components, kits, ARFs and RTFs at pretty darn good prices. Last year, I marveled at the good deals on components from Lazertoyz and others on a daily basis. Man did those good deals add up fast! LOL!!!

I would bet there will be even more vendors on-site this year. Competition is always good for the consumer. ;)


Flyer Of Many Things
hmm... My vote is a spitfire, I am so excited!!!!!!!!
I am trying to get some new FPV gear too, so that combined with who knows what, excitedness, yeah, that is totally a word:p


New member
I am looking forward to coming this year. I was a couple of tents down, last year, from the gents that were building the monster Old Fogey. It was pretty exciting to see it come together. I can't wait to see what people build this year.


Flyer Of Many Things
Yess! That would be awesome, and well worth it.

Okay, I change my vote, then spitfire. (David's 200+100=300%, right???:confused:


Staff member
I'm only hoping you were not trying to steal the real thing and leave the foam one as decoy. ;-)


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
We will have our own camping area. I need to see about getting some stockade fence so no one can see into the camp. It might cut down on the complaints... :D