FT Alpha restore/mod thread


Here is the modded alpha I have been flying the last two weekends. It is pretty fun flying especially on the day where it was windy. I think it needs more power and would like to get it to roll faster. Going to give it a more aggressive prop but have to get a bigger esc first. @TenienteDan how noticeable is the noise reduction?

It looks dope, and very Russian :p. I don't know if that is on propuse :p

It's funny because that's exactly the kind of canopy I wanted to do, but I tried and I didn't like the result, so I end up with just rounded canopy at the back. I might give it a try now that I see your design :p.

Regarding the noise reuduction. As you can see from my video, it's still very loud. I don't know if the mod I did reduced in fact the amout of noise because I didn't try without it. But if I would like to 100% test it, I would have to cut the wings as I did for the deck, following this example, but I don't want to ruin the looks of the plane.

As you can see here, there is quite some space between the prop and the foam (in front of the prop) even with no mod, but she still screams quite a bit.



Again hijacking your post Grifflyer, more stories about my Alpha.

I kind of had a situation with a fence the other day. I basically obliterated the already battered nose, but the crash was so clean that just the nose and the intakes were damaged, the rest of the plane intact (guys, if you are meant to crash, crash fast and straight xD). I was lucky because this kind of hit in a wing probably would have made a big mess.



But well, finally I had the opportunity to rebuild the nose from scratch and try to modify a few lines to make the plane more attractive (on my perspective).

And here is the final result. FT-22Alpha


Ready to remaiden tomorrow morning :D

The Hangar

Fly harder!
Again hijacking your post Grifflyer, more stories about my Alpha.

I kind of had a situation with a fence the other day. I basically obliterated the already battered nose, but the crash was so clean that just the nose and the intakes were damaged, the rest of the plane intact (guys, if you are meant to crash, crash fast and straight xD). I was lucky because this kind of hit in a wing probably would have made a big mess.

View attachment 191992
View attachment 191993

But well, finally I had the opportunity to rebuild the nose from scratch and try to modify a few lines to make the plane more attractive (on my perspective).

And here is the final result. FT-22Alpha
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View attachment 191995 View attachment 191996

Ready to remaiden tomorrow morning :D
I like it. (y) Good luck on the maiden!


WWII fanatic
Again hijacking your post Grifflyer, more stories about my Alpha.

I kind of had a situation with a fence the other day. I basically obliterated the already battered nose, but the crash was so clean that just the nose and the intakes were damaged, the rest of the plane intact (guys, if you are meant to crash, crash fast and straight xD). I was lucky because this kind of hit in a wing probably would have made a big mess.

View attachment 191992
View attachment 191993

But well, finally I had the opportunity to rebuild the nose from scratch and try to modify a few lines to make the plane more attractive (on my perspective).

And here is the final result. FT-22Alpha
View attachment 191994
View attachment 191995 View attachment 191996

Ready to remaiden tomorrow morning :D
Haha this thread is long dead so it’s awesome to see some posts in it again!! That looks beautiful!! You took an already amazing plane and took to a whole new level outstanding work!!


I like it. (y) Good luck on the maiden!
Haha this thread is long dead so it’s awesome to see some posts in it again!! That looks beautiful!! You took an already amazing plane and took to a whole new level outstanding work!!

Hahah thank you guys. I got to enjoy it for one battery and a half lol.
I kind of have a problem with that fence o_O.

Worst thing is that I damaged the ESC and the transmitter. And we will see if the battery is damaged too lol. The ESC and transmitter seems to work too so crossing fingers.

I am getting more confident flying and I basically get bored and try more things. So too much of inverted flight ended up like this xD.

But well, I have entertainment for the weekend, unfortunately you can't do much nowadays (COVID).


New member
Per iniziare, voglio partire dall'inizio. Ho ricevuto il kit FT alpha come mio primo kit di speed build intorno a Natale del 2016 e ha fatto ben più di 100 voli. Come puoi immaginare, questa è una cellula piuttosto usurata e se fosse un altro aereo, la butterei via e ne costruirei uno nuovo, ma questo è speciale per me e "PARTI" dell'aereo sono ancora degne di volare. Quindi in questo thread sostituirò parti che sono stanche, rifarò parti che sono disallineate, aggiungerò parti aggiuntive per migliorare la bellezza e aggiungere ulteriore resistenza. Ecco alcune foto dell'aereo in questo momento.
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Quindi, guardandolo, puoi vedere che ha bisogno di qualche intervento e che ci sono anche alcune cose che non si vedono in telecamera o che sono semplicemente allentate e devono essere sostituite.

La prima cosa che ho fatto è stata quella di rimuovere le penne della coda perché erano ESTREMAMENTE rovinate, soprattutto a causa della delaminazione della carta su cui erano montate.

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Poi ho rimosso e sostituito la piccola parte sporgente per montare il servo, perché quella zona si sarebbe spostata quando l'ala non era montata.
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Come ho detto prima, la carta attorno al punto in cui erano montate le penne della coda si stava delaminando, quindi ho staccato la carta e ho messo un pezzo di nastro da imballaggio con circa un quarto di pollice di sporgenza per dare alle future penne della coda una superficie migliore su cui incollarsi (dopo un'adeguata levigatura).

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Dopodiché ho deciso di modificare la sezione posteriore della pancia. L'ho sempre trovata un po' insipida (senza offesa per i ragazzi della MesaRC, hanno fatto un GRAN lavoro con l'aereo, lo so, perché li ho costruiti tutti e tre e potrebbero aver tralasciato alcune cose per rendere gli aerei più adatti ai principianti), quindi ho deciso di aggiungere dettagli del "motore a reazione" simili a quelli dell'F-15 Eagle.

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Per ora è tutto, ne seguiranno altri...
Bon giorno,ho appena comprato un kit alpha stesso aereo che ha lei ma sono alle prime armi ,dove posso trovare le istruzioni per il montaggio?