I created an article and would like some feedback before it is published.
Hello, this is my first article and I wanted to do it on something I recently completed (5 minutes ago) and also to contribute to the great volume of articles on this great site. Anyway my landings with the FT Flyer have always been fast and smooth or slow and rough. To remedy this problem I decided to put flaps on my Flyer and they are 5" by 2".
(The flaps look like they are different sizes but it is merely an illusion)
I only had one servo so I created a pushrod system that went to both flaps. This consists of a piece of 2mm music wire with two 90 angles in the same direction. This was then hot glued onto each flap with a servo horn in the center. This horn connected to the one on the servo that was used to control it. These flaps work wonderfully in the air and slow it down to a crawl. At full throttle if I deploy the flaps it starts to crawl and hardly stays in the air. With landings it comes in nice and smooth with a slow touchdown. I have it connected to channel 5 and mixed with VR A on my FS-CT6B. This gives me infinite flap settings
I will try to add a video if I have time this week.
- See more at: http://flitetest.com/articles/ft-flyer-flaps-experiment?preview=1#sthash.S9J5HwXu.dpuf
Hello, this is my first article and I wanted to do it on something I recently completed (5 minutes ago) and also to contribute to the great volume of articles on this great site. Anyway my landings with the FT Flyer have always been fast and smooth or slow and rough. To remedy this problem I decided to put flaps on my Flyer and they are 5" by 2".

(The flaps look like they are different sizes but it is merely an illusion)
I only had one servo so I created a pushrod system that went to both flaps. This consists of a piece of 2mm music wire with two 90 angles in the same direction. This was then hot glued onto each flap with a servo horn in the center. This horn connected to the one on the servo that was used to control it. These flaps work wonderfully in the air and slow it down to a crawl. At full throttle if I deploy the flaps it starts to crawl and hardly stays in the air. With landings it comes in nice and smooth with a slow touchdown. I have it connected to channel 5 and mixed with VR A on my FS-CT6B. This gives me infinite flap settings
I will try to add a video if I have time this week.
- See more at: http://flitetest.com/articles/ft-flyer-flaps-experiment?preview=1#sthash.S9J5HwXu.dpuf