FT Simple Soarer - BUILD


Staff member

The Speed Build Kit is available in our web store!











The Speed Build Kit is available in our web store!
FREE Build Plans:
FT Simple Soarer [ FULL SIZE ]
FT Simple Soarer [ TILED ]

For recommended electronics: Click here


Woohoo! Been waiting for this one! Thanks Flitetest, cast, crew and supportive families!


Active member
nice work there bixler. the plane looks great. i wonder how hard it'd be to add a pusher motor behind the wing (or on the wing) and make a fpv nose. this might be a nice gentle fpv plane.
I so wish shipping to the UK was cheaper.
$33 for the Speed Build Kit and $46.35 for shipping :(
On the plus side, I love that the plans have always been free :D
So thats a Versa wing and a simple soarer added to my list of builds :D Dont think the other half is going to be too happy though.
Oh, have to say, great job FT Crew on being so successful and when will you be doing a builkd video on the dog tow launcher :p


Senior Member
What an awesome plane! I've really been thinking about getting a glider...now I can just build one!


I'd like to re-use some old eletronics I got. It's a e-max 2822 1200kv. Is it possible? What battery and props it could work?


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
I'd like to re-use some old eletronics I got. It's a e-max 2822 1200kv. Is it possible? What battery and props it could work?

It's about 60% heavier than the blue wonders (39g vs 24g), but other than the extra weight and the trouble you'll have ballancing it, I don't see why not.

The Kv is close, the wattage is higher, and they're recomending lightweight 3S. For balance I'd at least go with the heavy 3S (850mah, but consider a 1000mah, if you can fit it in the fuse). Alternitively consider moving the wing forward around inch or so, to shorten the motor's lever arm. If all else fails, balast on the tail, but the adding to wing loading goes against her floatyness.

The 9x4.7 they recomend (IMO) is a little overpropped on 3S for the Blue wonders -- OK, for burst, but not an extended climb WOT. still, it looks like you can get a lot of altitude in 30s, but you certianly don't want to "speck it out" on that combo. The e-max you have should should pull it along nicely on that prop, without complaining.


And… If I increase the size of the plane… Maybe 50%? I don't like the way the plane looks with powerpod… With the soarer noose it's really better good looking… Since I don't have a place to soarer for a long time or high altitude, I will prefer build the powerpod version but I want it pretty! LOL.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Agreed, but if you don't have a winch or highstart, the sleak nose needs a buddy drag you into the air (one way or another) -- and gliding/soaring pilots are more solitary.

If it wouldn't make it so nose heavy, a nice 9" folding prop/spinner would clean the lines aerodynamically and astetically, but you'd need to keep it 4"- 4.5" ahead of the wing's LE . . . unless you don't mind not restarting the engine after the props have folded back.


Yes, but… I have to buy a folding props, so if decide buy it, I rather buy the recommended electronics. Do you know what mean? Maybe for me it's better wait fot another project wich I can use my electronics.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Yes, but… I have to buy a folding props, so if decide buy it, I rather buy the recommended electronics. Do you know what mean? Maybe for me it's better wait fot another project wich I can use my electronics.

Suit yourself, but If you're "making do with what you have", it's pretty rare you'll have the right things to make it pretty too. In this case, it's only a part or two to add that won't keep it on the ground -- you could build it now, and enjoy it while the nicer prop is en-route.

Atlerntively, simply adding a spinner would clean the profile up quite a bit, but then you're still back at needing to buy/make a spinner.

BTW, if you do make the power glider, turn on the break in the ESC. (not sure if Bixler mentinoed that in the build -- haven't watched the whole thing) A windmilling prop makes a lot of drag.


Junior Member
Do you think this could be launched using a high start? I just bought the kit an it will be my first glider an I don't have anyone else to fly with to tow me.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member

"Running Chad" was simulating a high start -- not quite sure why they didn't just use the giant rubber band.

Lacking courage? Chad needs exersize? Somebody left it at home?

Either way, If you've got the hook mount in the right place, and you don't let her stall or roll on takeoff, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

for a detailed "how to" get a glider safely in the air via high start:



Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
How does that compare to a hanging chad, the ultimate bane of older voters in Florida?

Too hot to run in south FL, but too cold to just hang out in northern OH!

Suppose the old foks might like the active sporty Chad models, but how would they know? They'd never spend any time around him, since the sporty Running Chad isn't in FL.