FTFC20 - Build-ruary Challenge by FoamyDM


Building Fool-Flying Noob
1) FTFC20: Build-ruary by @FoamyDM (Build Skill: 4 Skilled, Pilot Skill: 3 Amatuer)
1. FT - Arrow​
2. Mehve​
3. FT-P-38 Master Series​
4. FT-Corsair Master Series​




Building Fool-Flying Noob
Build1 - FT Arrow '39 Special


AThis went together like peanut butter and jam. Foam board and plans to RTF craft in 75min.
I was test my plans of @Vimana89 hand drawn ones (I have a little adjusting to do.

Maiden video:

Take Away:
it flies straight and true. It's fast, and maneuverable. You might want to reduce the aileron throws by 50%.
Build: The build was fast and beginner easy.

Flight: perfect, fast, agile.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Build 2 - The Move or Mehve. 30mm edf 1/2 scale.
This is the Jet powered Glider from Hayao Miyazaki's Film, Nausicaa of the Valley of the wind. The lead character - Nausicaa uses this flying wing to majestically soar around saving the day. What's not to like

I am pulling the plans from the Flite Test Article. I have a 30mm edf I want to use, and I printed these out both 1/2 and full scale. I will build this with curved and ironed parts for a more true form.
I mounted the plans and cut out the parts. (Unfortunately I may need to do something with the pod to fit the 30mm EDF.
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Feb 7th update:
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Went together fairly well. I'm using a 30mm EDF and so I'm fenegling the motor pod. During test tossed to the couches, I found the C.G. to be rearward by about 0.25"-0.5". The plans don't indicate where the motor sits exactly... Should be interesting getting it airborne. This one will need speed, it could be lighter.
I'm excited to see it fly. If I have to I will make the 50mm EDF version.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Reserved - Build 4 - The Bumblecrow from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
it is an anime based plane. I am building a 1:120 scale-ish model.


The Bumblecrow(バカガラス) is a large transport plane that appears in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. It appears to be a type of brig, and is used by the Tolmekians primarily to carry tanks and troops. It's hull is also able to carry small aircraft, animals, or anything that can fit. One of the most noticeable characteristics of this aircraft is it's extremely wide wings, contrasted by its short, stubby fuselage. The Bumblecrow is described as being slow and fragile, and is easily destroyed by enemy fire. Regardless, the Bumblecrow is the presumedly the only large cargo plane of Tolmekia. Like most aircraft in the Nausicaä world, not much is revealed about its origin or construction, but it can be presumed that the design is several hundred years old. The Bumblecrow is defended by a gunner positions on all sides of its fuselage and inside its wings.
on Saturday 2/15/2020


then I started putting it together, and I have some design work to do



You can see the crack from box spar insertion. As this is a rough draft, the plan was to have the wings friction fit into the center section once I box the spar in, I will split it in the center, Then I will glue the spar into the wing.

Original Build - FT MS P-38
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
2 master series, glutton for punishment! 😄
yup I sure am. now that I have the first plane done and flown... I have only 3 craft in the 4 weeks.

In the event the Bumblecrow Never quite makes it to complete by tomorrow, I rebuilt the BD-8.
This version has Four changes. I did a time lapse construction video... sadly I did't capture any realtime footage
  1. FB skids. lined with craft sticks
  2. A reinforced (corrugated) base.
  3. only 2 surfaces to stear
  4. Kite string X-bracing in front and back.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Reserve - build 3 FT MSCorsair
2/10/2020: I found the Corsair laser cut kit, and i pushed out the pieces. In the same pile is the spitfire, and I have a P-38 kit, it will soon be an axis house.
A small on-sides kick:
On the outerzone site had me browsing again, and I found a small quick build called the Hexy. So I out together plans in maybe 30-45 mins. When I got home and had a minute, I got to testing the plans. I like what came of it and the glide test went well. I a little weary about the a-tail surfaces.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
I am surprised at how well that little plane tracks! It was a handful until I remembered I could back up on the throttles. If you want to use the vid in you "build this" sales pitch go for it!

The gauge is the key for fast construction.
The plane is symmetrical, if my build isn't quite there. So design was simple in CAD. Each section is 2"x3". Copy copy, trim mostly done.
If I wasn't finishing the Spruce goose, one of those motors was going to this project.
Honestly I might technically be all built by tomorrow.
(I have to find a 5g servo I think)
It might fly best with a micro setup but don't have mine freed


Building Fool-Flying Noob
After building, I posted the Plans as a resource HERE. currently pending approval.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I have also started to re-build the BD-8 Burgess-Dunn flying wing.
This time I will make a build video.
All cut out and set up.


Legendary member
I have also started to re-build the BD-8 Burgess-Dunn flying wing.
This time I will make a build video.
All cut out and set up. View attachment 158715
I had to take a break yesterday, but your enthusiasm and build-foolery is inspiring. My newest little experiment maidened great, I accidentally posted a picture here and deleted it(intended for the main challenge thread). I'm watching the Bumblecrow, it's very unique and I'm interested to see how it flies(y).
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
I had to take a break yesterday, but your enthusiasm and build-foolery is inspiring. My newest little experiment maidened great, I accidentally posted a picture here and deleted it(intended for the main challenge thread). I'm watching the Bumblecrow, it's very unique and I'm interested to see how it flies(y).
It feels good to know that my Complete Build-foolery ends up being inspirational to someone other than just me.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I have had life get in the way... As I anticipated. But it is still on the table