Mr. Gandalf
Elite member
This is the first forum challenge I will have participated in and I am very excited to get started, but first here is some history of the balsa model!
The balsa kit was pretty small with a wingspan of 24". Designed for rubber powered free flight, or control line with a glow engine, It was built with traditional stick and tissue techniques and designed with scale realism in mind resulting in a very good looking model. However this is a picture of mine after having the nose rebuilt.
I chose these plans because I already had them laying around, and because the balsa kit that goes with them was my first RC plane (which was quickly replaced by a mini simple cub). I am going to use a mix of master series and regular flite test techniques to build the foamboard model which will be 4ch (possibly flaps) and have a 40" wingspan.
My method for converting the balsa plans to foamboard is very low tech, I just trace the patterns for the sides of the fuse, wings, and tail feathers and blow them up using my printer, but the nose will be done using trial and error.
More updates soon!