FTFC24: Build-ruary by LitterBug.


Techno Nut
I have so many kits and half builts that MUST BE FINISHED for FF24.

Unstarted Kits
1) FT Bronco
2) FT Explorer

Started Kits
3) FT Viggen (50% done)
4) FT Bloody Wonder (25% Done)
5) FT Simple Stick. (50% done)

Scratch cut/build
6) FT Slow Stick
7) @AgentC EZ Bronco
8) FT Dart


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Techno Nut
FT Bronco speedbuild Status
Kit seperated
kit built
Awaiting electronics install
2x SunnySky x2216 1250kv
2x 40A ZTX Beatles ESCs
3x cheap 9g metal gear digital servos
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Techno Nut
FT Explorer Status
Kit seperated
Build Started Kit is MASSIVELY WARPED
awaiting electronics install
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Techno Nut
FT Bloody Wonder Status
glued/built. Needs electronics
Sunnysky 2212 1250kv motor 25A ESC
2x9G servos cheap digital metal gear
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Techno Nut
FT Simple Stick Status
Need to finish landing gear and install electronics
FT power pack
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Techno Nut
FT Slow Stick Status
Plans edited in LightBurn
Foam cut
3D printed parts printed
Sub assemblies assembled. need to glue & install electronics.
SunnySky 1806 motor
2x emax 9251 servos
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Techno Nut
AgentC EZ Bronco Status
Plans edited in LightBurn
Foam cut
EZ Electronics acquired
Glued. need to install electronics
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Techno Nut
FT Dart
Plans edited in LightBurn
Foam Cut
Sub assemblies glued. need to transfer electronics from my old dart.
Need to button up and trim out
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Techno Nut
Preparing to start today since February starts TOMORROW! :O). Updated Lightburn software for laser cutting parts. Trying to locate the file(s) I created for Laser cutting the foam parts for the FT Slow Stick. Need to get at least one of my 3D printers working to print parts for the FT Slow Stick. ETC....

Hmmmm.... Looks like I created LightBurn files for the FT Dart and AgentC's EZ bronco, but never the FT Slow Stick. Guess I better get working or print out the standard templates and do a manual cut. The FT Slow stick shouldn't be too bad to do by hand.
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Techno Nut
Ok, maybe The Slow Stick LightBurn files I created were named something I wasn't searching for. LOL And fortunately they fit the 400x415 cut area of my laser cutter. Going to use black foambaord, so should be no problem cutting all the way through. :-D


Techno Nut
Busy calibrating 3D printer to re-print the FT Slow Stick parts. Seems like every time I let the printer sit for a long time, everything needs recalibrated on it. Hmmmmm.... Hotend PID tune was a mess, wouldn't hold heat once fan kicked in. Also had to re-level the bed.

Also working on an enclosure for the Laser cutter to minimize all the smoke, fumes, and fire risk. Still need to calibrate my speeds/power levels for cutting the black DTFB. Will do that once the enclosure is on it.

Going to work on the manual cutting of the EZ Bronco tonight. Already laser etched the top layer of foamboard, so it should be prettier than the one I tried last year where I used a pattern, traced, then cut. Have some different knives to try this year as well.

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Techno Nut
Litterbug. You are a building ANIMAL! You must share your Lightburn settings so I can cut the black FB too.
@Captain Video,
Basically I score it with LightBurn, then cut with an exacto knife. I find that with the laser scoring the foam, it will guide the knife. A few slow cuts deepening with each pass.

Light score with 1000mm/m @ 100%
Edge cut with 600mm/m @ 100%

I am using a 10 Watt laser with air assist.

5 watt would be similar but with slower cut speeds.



Techno Nut
Working on cutting a new FT DART. My original FT SpeedBuild kit has been crashed hard too many times and needs a replacement.

It's going to be another "stealth" black foamboard build. My 400x415 cutter is BARELY big enough to make the wing cuts.




Techno Nut
Etching foamboard for FT Dart


It's Super Wing Sunday. Had wings for lunch. Had to re-etch the right wing since the air assist hose bumped the foamboard mid-way through the previous cut. Also re-ran the fuselage and spar cut since I messed up cutting one part. Forgot to enable air assist, and had the wing spars in a seperate file before. I am using 3D printed motor pods that put the motors in front of the wing, and will not be requiring the foamboard motor pods that hang below the wing. Made it possible to get all the non-wing cuts in one shot.

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