So I have been mulling around the idea of building a Guinea Pig that can lift more cargo that it can now, say 2x. Currently I can get 1.25lbs around the pattern without too much problem, though I have to be at 80%+ throttle to stay aloft. No much room for wiggle. I have been thinking about:
Changing shape for airfoil for more lift.
Lengthening wing for more surface area, therefore more lift.
-general increase of drawings to about 140% (stay under 80")
Adding flaps to increase lift during takeoff and landing (doesn't address straight/level flight)
or ???
I am thinking that up to NTM prop drive 3530 1400Kv can be the power plant if needed with 4s and 60A ESC's (420W @ 12v (3S)/560W @ 15v (4S)). So I am wondering what insight the group may have on how to approach the project. What methodology would you use? Your comments are appreciated...
Changing shape for airfoil for more lift.
Lengthening wing for more surface area, therefore more lift.
-general increase of drawings to about 140% (stay under 80")
Adding flaps to increase lift during takeoff and landing (doesn't address straight/level flight)
or ???
I am thinking that up to NTM prop drive 3530 1400Kv can be the power plant if needed with 4s and 60A ESC's (420W @ 12v (3S)/560W @ 15v (4S)). So I am wondering what insight the group may have on how to approach the project. What methodology would you use? Your comments are appreciated...