Help! I cannot get my plane to work.


New member
My motor is continuously beeping whenever I connect my remote to my plane. I can only control the trim after the remote is connected.

My receiver is a spektrum AR6335 6CH nanolite receiver
My remote it a spektrum DX5e.

My transmitter was originally used for quads and my receiver and the plane were both given to me used.
I have also looked through the manual of both remote and receiver and nothing appears to be wrong.
Here are the manuals to see if you can find anything:
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I would highly recommend you remove the prop until this problem is sorted out.

You don’t want the prop to start spinning unintentionally.


Wake up! Time to fly!
What esc are you using. If you got one that is BL heli and set up for quads it is possible the spectrum range of the stick commands is too tight. Try setting the end points / throws for throttle in the radio to ~147%. this is common issue for quad pilots using spectrum on certain gear. It seems to be carrying over to fixed wing more as well with people grabbin cheap bl heli quad esc's for small planes.


Legendary member
What esc are you using. If you got one that is BL heli and set up for quads it is possible the spectrum range of the stick commands is too tight. Try setting the end points / throws for throttle in the radio to ~147%. this is common issue for quad pilots using spectrum on certain gear. It seems to be carrying over to fixed wing more as well with people grabbin cheap bl heli quad esc's for small planes.
This threads starting to sound very familiar :unsure: De ja vous :eek:.


Legendary member
Dont worry about it, we Northern English are distantly related to the Germans so the language comes easier to us than French. The people in the South of the country, I would have said have more Norman blood in the veins so have more affinty with the French.
Although thats just my opinion so don't quote me on it, (particularly as our Queen has distant German relations).


Wake up! Time to fly!
This threads starting to sound very familiar :unsure: De ja vous :eek:.

Well it seems to be a familiar issue with people buying gear without researching and only looking at prices... It happens.. I remember my first head scratcher back in the day when I didn't read the data sheet and bought an opto esc that didn't have a bec on it. was focused more on the amp rating for what I wanted. I always assume others will make the same mistakes I did and try to prempt as many as possible.

Whit Armstrong

Elite member
Dont worry about it, we Northern English are distantly related to the Germans so the language comes easier to us than French. The people in the South of the country, I would have said have more Norman blood in the veins so have more affinty with the French.
Although thats just my opinion so don't quote me on it, (particularly as our Queen has distant German relations).

Alright. Sorry for taking this thread offtopic!