If your transmitter has a dedicated throttle cut off switch, you need to find out if its set to active or in-active (on or off) in your set-up menu (you will have to check your manual for this).
If it has been set up as active (its usually on a 2 way switch). In the
OFF position the throttle stick is non operational (so you can't accidentally knock the throttle un-intentionally and start the prop rotating. However, once you switch to
ON the converse applies you can now use the throttle stick to A) to start your motor and increase its speed and B) calibrate your ESC.
However, if the dedicated switch has not been activated in the set up menu, then the above is irrelevent. Your motor should be immediately active when you activate the throttle stick.
Unless somehow someone has messed up the ESC calibration settings, which means you may need to reset the ESC back to the factory default setting.
I suggest you buy one of these, you can test your motor and ESC without the need for your transmitter. Comes in handy after for checking and centering your servos.
Cost (£2.59 GBP) from Banggood $3.45 USD