James Y
Junior Pilot
I have recently modified my Supercub Lp to great success. I took the center dihedral section out of the wings, added ailerons (8” long with 2x HXT 9gr servo) and did a brushless conversion with a Turnigy Park 1020kv 480, HK 30A ESC, running off a 2200mah 3cell driving a Turnigy wooden 10x7 prop. Also, added the wheels from the Parkzone Corsair.
It looks beautiful, and flies like a dream. Mixing rudder and ailerons makes for the best flying plane I have; and the power is immediate.
The 10x7 pulls the cub very quickly and ½ throttle is enough to be excitingly fast'; while dead-stick into the wind makes this cub glide forever.
Could someone tell me if this is a safe setup up for the electronics? The motor never gets even slightly warm, but the esc and battery get warm (not hot though).
I’d like to know if this is a good prop choice, and what can of flight times I should expect with the 2200 2cell.
It looks beautiful, and flies like a dream. Mixing rudder and ailerons makes for the best flying plane I have; and the power is immediate.
The 10x7 pulls the cub very quickly and ½ throttle is enough to be excitingly fast'; while dead-stick into the wind makes this cub glide forever.
Could someone tell me if this is a safe setup up for the electronics? The motor never gets even slightly warm, but the esc and battery get warm (not hot though).
I’d like to know if this is a good prop choice, and what can of flight times I should expect with the 2200 2cell.