Knuckle H-Quad


Junior Member
Hi All,

Apologies if this has already been asked and I just missed it but, I've finally gotten around to building my Knuckle H Quad (Christmas Present :D) and it dawned on me today that I've mixed up the electronics packages for the Knuckle H Quad and the Scratch build H Quad :S Will the Knuckle version still fly on DT750s (750KV) and 8" props? Or do I need to get blue wonders (or similar) 1300KV motors?


Junior Member

I am new to the hobby and have a question that will probably seem pretty dumb to most of you. I thought, in order to save any issues of incompatibilities I would just get the recommended motor and props from the Knuckle store page.

While I understand exactly how everything else goes together, I can't for the life of me figure out how to attach those props to that motor. The hub of the prop seems too big to use with the prop adapter and the shaft is coming out the wrong side of the motor anyway...

I'm not keen on using the prop-saver mount I don't like the idea of a rubber band keeping my Quad up in the air.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



Junior Member

I am new to the hobby and have a question that will probably seem pretty dumb to most of you. I thought, in order to save any issues of incompatibilities I would just get the recommended motor and props from the Knuckle store page.

While I understand exactly how everything else goes together, I can't for the life of me figure out how to attach those props to that motor. The hub of the prop seems too big to use with the prop adapter and the shaft is coming out the wrong side of the motor anyway...

I'm not keen on using the prop-saver mount I don't like the idea of a rubber band keeping my Quad up in the air.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


I just drilled my prop to fit, just take your time and go slow when drilling, if you have a drill press that would be the preferred way.

I do mine by hand and I go one drill size at the time until I have the desired size hole.


Junior Member
I would either get an other hub (longer) or new props with "thinner" hub, as stated in the post you refer to, if you sand the hubs you will most likely make the prop tilt and that will cause a lot of bad things for you.

If you are going to use the props you have I would suggest using the prop savers and rubber band.

I have the same props on my tricopter and I only had to drill the center hole.
2013-04-05 17.18.40.jpg

On the h-quad I use a triple blade prop (
2013-12-13 20.37.06_small.jpg
they are attached with a standard 3mm hub.


Junior Member
My son and I finally got our first flight with our Knuckles quad today. He did all the drilling and bolting up and I did the electrics and tuning for it. He's only 5 years old.... I've got the KK2.1 board dialed down so it's nice and steady for him. First time on the sticks with the buddy box setup and he did really well. We'll get some photos up soon. Thanks Chad for this great Quad it really flies nicely.... I hope my son can keep up the flying lessons and go solo before the end of summer....


Junior Member
Hi, Im building a Knuckle H-quad, which is my very first quad. I am still waiting for my esc's and motors to come in the mail. The only thing i have doubts about is what configuration i need to chose on my kk2.1 board (X, H6, H4???). I also don't know what kind of settings i need for the roll/pitch, yaw, etc... Im new to the flying thing so pleas bare with me. Pleas help.


Staff member
Well, doesn't "Knuckle H-Quad" sound a lot like "H4"? :) I've not built one myself yet, but I'd think that sounds right.

I'm not sure if you should start with a default KK2.1 firmware or upgrade to the one by Steveis. Can someone confirm that Steveis supports H4 too?

As for the settings, I wouldn't touch them yet. I'm using Steveis firmware on a KK2.1.5 for my X4 quad and for now it works perfectly for me as a beginner. I will try to fiddle around soon enough, but at the moment I have enough on my hands trying to control it ;).


Dedicated foam bender
I'm not sure if it supports H4 but I imagine it does since that is a common configuration. Balu has it right though and just leave the stock settings until you can get it in the air and see if it needs adjusting.


Some guy in the desert
I'm using multiwii on mine but I just use QuadX since X and H are dynamically the same with the motors at the four corners, they just use a mechanically different method of getting the booms out to the motors.

I also don't see an "H4" listed on the HK KK page as an option, only QuadX and Quad+. I do see H6 and H8 but I'm not sure just what they'd be and can't find any references to what the different setups on a KK are (I assume it's not included in the manuals since it shows things like motor positions/rotations/pins on the screen.)


Junior Member
Balu, xuzme720 and jhitesma thank you for replying. i will go with the X configuration, and see what happens with the settings. thanks.
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Dedicated foam bender
You know that the X and H are interchangeable...and is probably where some of the confusion is setting in...I myself wasn't thinking clearly either

The boards don't care where the arms are, only where the motors are and their relation to the board from there. So to the board, an H-quad and the X-quad are identical to how it reacts to inputs and outside influences.
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Junior Member
Hey all. I want to build this litle quad, but got some problems, because I don't know what material should I use to make motor mounts and everything else. For booms I will use 10mm spruce



Junior Member
Hey all. I want to build this litle quad, but got some problems, because I don't know what material should I use to make motor mounts and everything else. For booms I will use 10mm spruce


I would suggest 4mm plywood for the frame and if you want to just ziptie the motors to the booms, otherwise you have to make some kind of plate (again from 4mm plywood) for the motor to sit on.

You could also order the FT motor mounts (

Hope that gives you a few ideas.


Junior Member
So... I printed the FT Knuckle plans and just went to tracing cutting and building. I never checked scale. Does anyone know the proper scale to print the plans on standard 8.5x11 paper? I have been trying to print it to scale and have not been able to get it correct.


Some guy in the desert
I think just printing from adobe reader I got them to print out to scale where the included ruler matched my real ruler.

But some things may have gotten cut's been awhile so I don't fully remember.

It won't work on PDF's but for bitmap files I love BigPrint for getting accurately sized printouts: makes it really easy to set a size. It does great multi-page tiling and the ruler tool is super easy to set accurate sizes. Sometimes I open PDF's in photoshop - move things around then resave as bitmap so I can open in bigprint for printing. The line quality goes down a bit but the accuracy is dead on.


Church Meal Expert
Mitch - make sure you tell your printer NOT to scale or FIT TO PRINT the image.
By default most want to do some scaling to fit it within the print margins.
Use a ruler to check the printed scale like jhitesma said.

Best regards,


Junior Member
PHugger I tried that and was able to get close but was still off by .25". My first frame is 90% finished with the odd ball scale so we will see if it works. I will just have to fly it smash it and try it again. Next time I will try your advice Jhitesma.

Thanks for the advice.