Maximum Weight to Crash in One Piece.


While a lot has been spoken on Wing Loading and Heavier planes flying faster - I have a different query.

What is the maximum weight with which a plane can crash and not get damaged a lot but rather bounce off the ground. I beleive we are talking about the maximum momentum that can be a threshold to crash gracefully.


Master member
While a lot has been spoken on Wing Loading and Heavier planes flying faster - I have a different query.

What is the maximum weight with which a plane can crash and not get damaged a lot but rather bounce off the ground. I beleive we are talking about the maximum momentum that can be a threshold to crash gracefully.
That is a difficult question to answer because there isn't one answer.
If a given plane is lightened significantly, it can be very fragile and not handle a crash at all.
But, if you beef everything up to handle a crash you're just adding weight the structure will have to be strong enough to take in a crash.

There is probably a good middle ground where most crashes are survivable but where exactly that is depends on the plane, the construction, and the materials chosen for the build.


... Heavier planes flying faster...
FYI - Just adding weight to a plane will not increase the top speed of a plane.
Adding weight just means the plane can not fly as slowly as it did before the extra weight.

You are correct in saying lighter planes will have less damage in a crash. I try to attach my battery loosely, tight enough to stay put from any flying force, but loose enough to be ejected in a crash. It's my attempt to minimize the damage from the momentum of the battery.

I can not give you number to answer your question. Any weight reduction will lessen the damage in a crash.


This helps. I guess my 600g (15% overweight) Scratch built Scout shall be able to fly peacefully :) and crash graciously. :censored:.