ok, Im really sorry, but I still dont get it..
lets take your trojan for example: do you designed it to fly it with the tiny trainer pod (little bit of right angle thrust), scout pot (massive right angle thrust) or the mini mustang (right and down angle thrust)?
the reason why I ask this is because the flying experience can be quite different if your angles arnt right. I flew my tiny trainer without right angle thrust at first. It flew ok, but I had to right-trim my rudder to counteract the missing thrust angle quite a lot. with my mini mustang on the other hand I have a little bit too less down angle for my setup. I only notice the problem when doing full throttle low passes, but still it affects my flying experience and I will try different angles to get rid of it. And while I like to experiment with different setups, other people might not. And with all the effort you put into those planes it would be a shame if people build the wrong pod and there for get bad flight characteristics. Better add "Use power pod of xxx" onto your plans to prevent those things happen.