Mini Scout v2 Speed Racer - Perkyplanes/basslord1124 style!


Master member
I somehow think that's FIXABLE! 👍👍
If not completely, visually... If you carve a 12" groove on the outside of the Wing bottoms, and glue in either BBQ Skewers or CF Rod...

It MAY end up stronger than original!! 😉
I mean something like THIS, that I plan on doing to everything from now on anyway. 😊


Master member
Well still with it's slightly wrinkled wing, I am aiming for a maiden sometime today. Going to do a quick power test before I do the maiden just to see what sort of power it's drawing. Some of the motor tech specs were showing pulling up to 60A full throttle on a 4S with a 5" prop. I'll be running 3S and a 5" prop. ESC is only rated at 40A and my battery is 1000Mah 30C. So, I'm kinda thinking I'll be close to the limits IF I do give her full throttle. I always like to try to give myself some cushion. But anyways, enough of that...hoping here by lunch to have the "launch". :)


Master member
Well, got some good news and bad news...

Good news: it did take to the skies and was able to enjoy a few laps with her

Bad news: the plane is now stuck in a tree. :confused: Probably about 20-25 feet up.


I don't see any heavy winds happening for a while, so can't let mother nature do her thing. She's been rather distant this year anyways. So, I'll look through any bag of tricks I have to see if I can get her down over the course of the next few days/week or so. From what I can tell, the airframe still appears in tact...just wedged between 2 branches.

At least for right now, the flight was manageable, but still had some kinks to work out. One of these was getting used to where I changed things up and programmed in 3 rates instead of 2. I changed rates mid flight and accidentally flipped to my highest rates instead of my middle rates. That made it a little scary there for a little bit. It wanted to pitch up a little easy so not sure if it was CG related or elevator trim. On one of my laps around I happened to lose orientation right when I looked up at the sun, this blinded me for a sec, and that's when I realized I was right where the trees are. And well, you know how it ended.

I think she's definitely got the power to push this plane fast once I get the bugs worked out. The quick power test I ran showed only using 18-20A at full not too shabby.


Legendary member
Sucks about the plane though. I have given a Shrubsmacker to a pine tree across the ravine about 50' up a few weeks ago. I should go in and check on it actually


Master member
Generally I have always kept expo the same across the board.

I doing a new thing now where I set 3 different rates, same expo, until I get a good feel for the plane. Then I make adjustments after each flight. I can tell you for this low rates were too low. I felt a little more comfortable at my middle rates. I'd have to look back at my radio to see what values I put em at. I do normally put expo at 50% until I am comfortable with a hands get shaky on maidens.


Legendary member
Generally I have always kept expo the same across the board.

I doing a new thing now where I set 3 different rates, same expo, until I get a good feel for the plane. Then I make adjustments after each flight. I can tell you for this low rates were too low. I felt a little more comfortable at my middle rates. I'd have to look back at my radio to see what values I put em at. I do normally put expo at 50% until I am comfortable with a hands get shaky on maidens.
Yea cool. The one thing i learned about expo from personal experience is that keeping things consistant. The rates for throws are the only difference. Helps keep muscle memory and consistancy from plane to plane. Thanks


Master member
All right, the Scout has been rescued from the tree. It got a little more damage from the rescue but I haven't really had a chance to fully check it out to see if it's worth trying to repair. Considering its size and simplicity, I may just rebuild it. But anyways here's the aftermath and my tool for retrieval:

Scout tree rescue.jpg

This was 2 large sections of quarter round molding (I'd guess 10-12 feet each) and a large piece of 1/2" PVC (also about the same length) taped together to get up in the tree to smack it down.

tree rescue stick.jpg

Originally just the quarter round pieces together almost reached it, but probably still needed another foot or so. This is the largest effort for plane tree rescue I have ever done.

I'm going to assume electronics are ok...didn't really have any rain. Just some morning dew. The battery, 3S 1000Mah, is depleted though...checker won't even light up. I guess I thought it might have a little bit of juice in it.


Master member
Doesn't look awful. You can work with it.
Remember about 100 years ago, we would simply CLIMB UP the Tree and retrieve it!!! 😜😲
Today, I'd likely get a hernia LOOKING at a Tree!! LMAO 😄😆


Master member
Doesn't look awful. You can work with it.
Remember about 100 years ago, we would simply CLIMB UP the Tree and retrieve it!!! 😜😲
Today, I'd likely get a hernia LOOKING at a Tree!! LMAO 😄😆

Oh yeah, I'm in no hurry to climb any trees lol. This one definitely wasn't a "climbing tree" anyways.

Nice rescue man.

Is that your 540 in the trunk? Have you flown that yet?

Thanks! Yes that's the's one of the next ones to be flown. So hopefully here soon.

Hey just thought of a car is a Ford it's an Edge IN an Edge. :D:p


Legendary member


Master member
Haha it's almost like you flew it in there on purpose. That little guy has had some hard luck.

Have to checked out my new S Scout version I am building yet:
Gonna be a sweet winter plane.

I am still curious on your mystery project, any hints?

I know it does seem that way lol.

I started reading some of your thread on the Scout and then something came up while I was in the middle of reading it. Need to go back and finish it off. Do you get a lot of snow where you're at? Is it cold there now?

Do you mean the secret project plane that I was going to reveal later (which I finally added to my project list)? No hints yet. I should go ahead and try and get the maiden for the Edge and KFM out of the way so I can start on it.


Legendary member
I do get a lot of snow here, today is only a few degrees above freezing, Should warm up for a bit here soon. Winter hasn't set in yet but there are some areas around us that have had their first snowfall already. Normally the first snow happens around Halloween. It hasn't been a warm year at all, the summer has been cold and rainy and the winter isn't looking any better. Getting ready with the winter Scout, and I would like to fix the FT-22.

Does the Edge maiden make you nervous?

I think you will really like the KFM wing, I used the KFM on the FT-22, was really surprised at how well it works, aerodynamic magic