Elite member
FTFC23: Build-ruary by AgentC (Build Skill: 2.48, Pilot SKill: 1.25)
From last year's batch of Build-rary planes, my Tiny Trainer survives, but the 4-channel Crash Test Mini Scout (with Floats) was the best plane of the bunch, eventually going down in amazing glory due to the wing folding during some aerobatic attempts. The original EZ Bronco also lasted, but got binned as soon as the UnEZ prototypes seemed to be a better option...
- UnEZ Bronco - Better looking EZ Bronco under 50g for the 2-Channel EZ Pack
- Nano Scout - Planning on an experiment to use the Nano Flerken power pack to fly a mini [75% smaller than a] Mini Scout (3-channel)
- FT MM Corsair (PS Version) - Got a kit given to me by my flying buddy/mentor, so going to skin it with Rasterize's skin and crash it in style.
- FT Mini Old Fogey. The plans have finally hit the FTCA portal!
From last year's batch of Build-rary planes, my Tiny Trainer survives, but the 4-channel Crash Test Mini Scout (with Floats) was the best plane of the bunch, eventually going down in amazing glory due to the wing folding during some aerobatic attempts. The original EZ Bronco also lasted, but got binned as soon as the UnEZ prototypes seemed to be a better option...
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