That looks great! What fans are you using?
Thanks! I tried to airbrush it, but ended up hand painting when the airbrush failed.
- 4500 KV BrushlessDuct Fan motor for 64 mm Duct Fan
- For most RC Jet EDF Model
- Weight: 50 gram (Motor)
- 64mm Duct Fan unit for most ducted fan Jet RC EDF
- Weight : 25g Fan
- the max thrust :750g
- max current : 28A
Found a pair on ebay.
Hey! I met you at FF and signed your plane haha!
I actually saw you crash and I started running from the other side of the field. After you collected the wreckage I lost you in the crowd though. Good times
I was wondering if you remembered signing my plane.
I was actually in the same build tent as you, at the far end closest to the field. Good times indeed.
Definitely going to be at FF2017. Hopefully with a SBD Dauntless I'm designing via your tutorials.
Anyway, your plane got a ton of positive comments, even from a pilot who actually flew A-10s. He said that the cockpit was weak if you shot at it from above.