Scratch build Su-47 ideas?


New member
Ok so here goes my 3rd post on this amazing website. To summarize this thread, This is going to be my first scratch build without plans and I was wondering if you had any suggestions.

Now that the summary is over here's my idea. The Russian Su-47 has been a favorite of mine for many reasons, it is super maneuverable due to the swept forward wings, thrust vectoring with rear horizontal stabilizer with canards (that's a lot of pitch control), Comes in black, and finally I have two 70mm edf's ready to fly! Sukhoi_Su-47_Berkut_(S-37)_in_2001.jpg
Contrary to belief, The Su-47 is not in fact Nasa's X-29 aka the non-Stronk backwards wing. X-29_from_front_perspective.jpg
Ok now for the questions. How do you build an airfoil that is either swept foreword or swept back, is there some kind of formula to create an airfoil at an angle, or am I overthinking it and its just a standard airfoil angled foreword? What type of airfoil should I try to make? Also would it be good to have a horizontal stabilizer with thrust vectoring or a canard with thrust vectoring, or even better EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE!!! This project will be comprised of Dtf board and will have 2x 70mm edf's and will be approximately 4-5ft wide with a removable wing concept.

If you have any advise and criticism, I need everything I can get Thanks!


Cardboard Boy
You can use a regular airfoil, the wing just need to be very strong so it doesn't bend too much.
Most forward swept wing aircrafts also use wash-in (twist along the wing) to counter some bad tendencies of those wings but you only need to worry about that if you make the wings out of wire cut foam.


New member
thanks! I was planning on making it out of foam board (Dtf aka Dollar tree Foam board), would there be any adverse side effects other than strength or should I now worry about that.


Cardboard Boy
Well at that scale it should be fine, the FT box spar design is rather strong. You can put wood in it even if you are not sure.