Well, only half of the jumper wires I ordered arrived last night. Not the end of the world, basically I ordered two sizes - 8" long and 12" long. Only the 12" arrived. So they'll work...but they're a bit longer than I need. Which isn't a big deal since at this point I'm not worrying about clean wiring just functional to make sure everythign is going to be ok.
Here's my temporary/test installation of the lid safety switch:
Pretty simple really, just a bit of tape to hold the switch in place and some more tape to hold a 1/2" square dowel in place to press against it. Seems to work so over the weekend I'll try and come up with something more permanent (as well as add one on the laser chamber in the back....I haven't decided yet if I want to add one to the electronics area....I'm leaning against it.)
I'm also toying with adding some indicator lights - just can't make up my mind about what lights I'd like and what color they should be. I was thinking one to indicate the laser is powered and another to indicate that it's armed and can fire (i.e. safeties are engaged). Won't be doing either just yet...but something I'm debating doing soon.
The smoothieboard is "wired":
Yeah, it's a rats next right now. Like I said, I'm not worrying about wiring it cleanly yet - just testing that everything works.
I didn't power it up yet...because...well...the smoothie board power wiring is confusing and I wanted to sleep on it to make sure I got it right:
It's kind of hard to see...but...the yellow wire is my +24v and red is +5v, the black wires (one is hiding behind the yellow) are grounds.
But the two connections are reversed - positive is on the outside of them both so one is +/- and the other is -/+
But....the markings on the board seem to indicate otherwise - because if you use those open pads to wire to instead of the connector...then the 24v side IS reversed and matches the 5v side. SO those markings on the board are for those extra pads not for the connector.
Here's the "helpful" explanation from smoothie:
I had remembered seeing that - but forgot the details of it. So had to dig through the docs again to make sure I have things wired correctly.
The main smoothie wiring diagram is also potentially confusing about this:
Looking at the labels it looks like they go in the same order +/- But that VBB connection makes that crossover - and on the printed card that comes with the smoothie the color choices make it VERY hard to see that the wires cross right there.
What's interesting to me is that they have a lot of warnings in the docs about how if you reverse power and fry the board it's your own fault...but the docs are not very clear or helpful in preventing that!
I haven't wired up a PWM or fire wire to the laser yet. But I should be able to power it up at this point and the smoothie should have power, should be reading the end stops, and should be able to command the steppers.
But...the steppers might be reversed...depends on if I got the wires connected in the right order or not
And I need to update the config on the smoothie board before I put power to it again. So when I reached this point last night I decided to take a break and come back today instead of pushing on and risking forgetting something or making a mistake.
Instead I decided to work on the control panel a bit since I'd like to have my controls mounted and I want that amp meter in before I try powering the laser.
So I fired up onshape and drew the control panel. The lip around the outside is just temporary and there to show me how much of the panel is actually visible vs. how much is hidden under the front of the machine when it's mounted.
And here it is without the mockup components:
The meter I modeled myself, the LCD board I found a pre-existing model someone else had done in onshape and just imported it.
I'm really not sure about this panel layout. The SD card on the LCD is blocked so won't be usable...but shouldn't matter since the smoothie has it's own SD card - and I'll probably be using the smoothie's Ethernet connection to push cut files to it anyway. But it still feels kind of cramped.
I'm also not sure how big of an opening I want for the LCD. Right now it's just the display area - so the LCD will sit flush with the bottom of the panel. But that doesn't allow much of the knob to stick above. I also haven't decided what I want to do with the estop button on the LCD (whether or not I'm even going to use it) and if I want the beeper exposed or not.
And the 3 switches...just don't feel good to me. I'll probably replace the 2 original square ones at some point just because I want them all to be similar and hate switches that need square openings. But it's probably "good enough" of a layout that I'll toss some 1/8" ply on the MPCNC tonight and cut one out just to use for now.
Which also means I'll have to work on wiring the LCD. But if I put that off a day or two more then my order from uberclock should arrive and it has an LCD adapter in it which will make that much simpler.
But...it's looking very likely that I'll be making some cuts this weekend at this rate! Once the machine is working then I can focus on cleaning up the wiring, fixing other little issues, upgrades, and using it to cut a new panel with engraved labels