Alright, sorry I didn't get to post the video let's get that out of the way first. I give you - the first moves (well, first "real" moves with a real controller.)
Yeah, it's pretty rough sounding.
So last night I dug in on a few things. First I bolted the motion platform back down and made sure it was as square as I could get it to hopefully make this thing less noisy. Next I wired in my laser "missile switch" in series with my safety switch on the door (which I'm thinking more about moving since it's location makes it too easy to defeat - or worse accidentally defeat.) Then I decided to try and get the LCD panel working.
After a good bit of hair pulling and cursing at the smoothie docs (I'm not very impressed by their docs...the main author of their stuff brags about how much better their docs are than other 3d printing These are terrible, the Marlin docs are way better and even they aren't anything to brag about.) So here's the page on the LCD adapter board:
There's a lot of confusion over how to get 5v to the LCD. A big part of that is that both the smoothieboard and the GLCD adapter board both have places for 5v regulators...but you don't need the 5v regulator if you supply the smoothie board with 5v directly like I am. If you're not then you probably need one of the 5v regulators...which one? Good question, and apparently either will do but it's just confusing.
Since my adapter board came pre-assembled I pretty much skipped the assembly instructions....which was a mistake. As the last step in there mentions that some LCD's have their connectors "backwards". Ok, yes, technically they do. But...basically every one of these LCD's I've seen has them backwards and the adapters for them are build accordingly. Turns out the pre-assembled smoothie adapter is setup for the "correct" connectors and so were backwards for mine. Ugh. Now I have a few options here.....
1) Unsolder the connectors on the smoothie and resolder them the other way...but I don't want to unsolder 10 pin connectors...that's no fun.
2) Make new cables with one side reversed. Possible...but I get all confused trying to reverse connectors on these ribbon cables...I do have a lot of cable and connectors and need longer cables anyway so this is actually a decent option for me and the one I'll probably go with eventually.
3) But for now I'm going with #3. Shave the key off the connectors on one side of the cable so I can install them backwards. Quick, easy, and works for now.
So with the cables flipped my LCD works! Well...kind of. The contrast is terrible:
The photo makes it look a LOT better than it is in real life. I can barely read this thing. And it's almost should be white letters on a dark background. The contrast pot is on the front of the PCB blocked by my panel. So...took the board back off and powered things up with it unmounted so I could access the contrast pot.
Well, the photo above is the "after" of how "good" I was able to get it. Bleh. Also, the default suggested config seems to have the wrong number of encoder steps because one click of the knob moves things 2 steps. So I'll have to go in and tweak that config some.
A bit of google suggests that adding an additional resistor across the pot will help the contrast...but that it's also a common symptom of low current from the 5v supply. Well, I'm feeding good 5v and have a regulator installed on my current shouldn't be it. But as I type this I wonder if maybe the laser power supply's 5v is just crap. Over lunch I'll try disconnecting my 5v line and see if the built in regulator can do it's job better than external 5v. If not then I'll dig out my bin of resistors and try adding one to help.
Overall so far not impressed, this was WAY harder to get working than it was on my RAMPS board with Marlin....and it's still not nearly as usable and the menus aren't quite as attractive (though they do seem to be usefully built with good options...note I am running the CNC version of smoothieware so my screens are a bit different than if I was running a 3D printer which may have "prettier" screens.)
But...I can operate the machine from the LCD so let's give that a try now that the motion platform is bolted down!
Ok...that works...but...still pretty gnarly sounding.
And not exactly sure why. It seems louder when first starting to move and on really small maybe the acceleration or jerk is too high (not even sure if smoothie has a jerk setting...haven't looked at the options that close yet.) It also sounds like the current on the steppers may be too high...I'm at 1.5 in the settings which is what cohesion used...but that seems awfully high to me for such small steppers (at 24v instead of 12v no less) and with such a light motion I may try turning that down.
Mechanically it all seems to move easily enough...with no binding or slop. But it does seem kind of noisy even just pushing the gantry around...maybe it's just the design of the motion parts...they are really cheaply made....Maybe a bit more lube in a few key spots...we'll see which options help
I still need to dig up some longer hookup wires for the laser ground, (and to clean up the wiring of the safety switches) but I'm pretty close to being able to hook up the laser and give this thing a real go. Though I may just wait a day...I gave in and ordered some more hookup wire from Amazon since I haven't had much time to dig through my parts bins looking for the wire I know I have somewhere. Either way sure looks like this weekend I'll be cutting/engraving one way or another.
I will finish this post with one more rant about smoothies docs in two examples:
Hmm...what's that G54 on the LCD? I don't remember ever using G54 before. I can't find an easy gcode reference in the smoothie docs but "smoothie g54" in google does return a doc page for the gcode command: A page with a note "TOTO, See linuxcnc docs in the meantime" and a this old tony video about using G54 with Mach3. Great. So apparently G54 is for work offsets - so that will be nice for CNC and laser work. But not details on smoothie's implementation? Lame.
Second example....setting up the "stop" button on the front of the GLCD as a kill button. The LCD instructions page: says "The button on the glcd and Viki2 can be wired as a Kill button by following
This guide. In that case the
panel.back_button_pin should be commented out." Ok, that sounds good. But following the link brings up this page: Which only discussed how to wire up a kill button on the smoothieboard itself. Nothing at all about using the stop button on a LCD panel. (Note, the panel page was last edited 4 months ago...the kill button page was last edited 17 months ago. So it's not a case of the kill button page being out of date apparently. And looking at the edit history of the kill button page: It appears that there has never been anything about using the stop button on the LCD on that page.)
Good docs are hard, I get that. But reading the forums and other help resources for smoothie the lead dev sure likes to brag about how great their docs are and honestly I'm not seeing it.