SP0NZ - Plans Index


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
I'll have to look at it when i get home.
The image you uploaded is a bit different from my plan. On my copy, the short and long ends are straight up and down at 90° to the bottom of page. It looked skewed, so I traced it and that's how I saw that it was off by 5mm on the wide end. I will recheck when I get home.
Looking at the PDF it looks the same as the CAD file to me? Did your printer maybe have an issue?


Make It Fly!
OK. This is what the pdf looks like.

And this is when opened in Inkscape.
The green is what I think it should be.
The red down the center is the center line of the green drawing.
Blue is just guide/reference lines.
You can see the pdf behind the drawn lines.
My drawing may be off a bit compared to what it should be, but it does look like the image of part 7 on the pdf is incorrect.

2023-03-22 (1).png
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FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Stearman? Oh, wow! That's great!!
To be clear, it is the PT-17 Stearman that Ben @Mid7night Harber designed a couple years ago. I don't think he ever released the plans for it in the past. We are doing a community barnstorming event at Flite Fest 2023 so Ben, Carl @wilmracer Lydick and I worked together to get the plans out for everyone. Carl also made a build video. You can find more information on the event, the model, and links to the build video here:


Well-known member
i just noticed yesterday the FT 3D plans are not here, after looking on the articles some i found them but it would be nice to have them here.


Well-known member
Sponz, are there plans to design/provide monster motor mounts for 3d printing? It seems like the monster motors really gained much interest, even though FT has been pushing huge projects.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Thanks for what you do (y'all do) but I can't draw the plans on lightburn because it's in raster format and I don't know how to vectorize them.
None of the newer plans (circa 2020) are available in vector PDF format. This was an intentionally security measure added by Flite Test.


Well-known member
Also one of the models I have not redrawn the plans for.

I really appreciate all the hard work you've put into consolidating all the plans here and redrawing them for easy consumption. If you don't plan to redraw these older designs (and I understand if you don't want to), could you link them in the list for easy access? It seems folks are having issues finding some of those older plans (Duster, F-22, etc.). I think others have created a similar collection, but since this is by far the most popular thread for plans, it would be great to have them linked here as well.

Thanks again!


Well-known member

I really appreciate all the hard work you've put into consolidating all the plans here and redrawing them for easy consumption. If you don't plan to redraw these older designs (and I understand if you don't want to), could you link them in the list for easy access? It seems folks are having issues finding some of those older plans (Duster, F-22, etc.). I think others have created a similar collection, but since this is by far the most popular thread for plans, it would be great to have them linked here as well.

Thanks again!
Could have it labeled different for the Non-sponz plans.


New member

For some strange reason, I seem to have mostly stopped crashing my Simple Stick and my Tutor. I actually have three flyable airplanes at once. I am almost running out of storage space for them when not flying. I would like to add to my dilemma by building an FT Slow Stick. I have located and downloaded the plans for the airframe and for the 3D printed parts. I discovered that the 3D printed parts will open in Autodesk 360 Fusion. I don't want to alter them, I wanted to see them. I've never created anything in 360 Fusion but I once learned to program a 2D router operating on a 4' x 8' sheet of ABS plastic to make sailboat templates. Long ago.

Unfortunately, I don't yet have access to a 3D printer but there may be one in the medium term time horizon. Do you know if Josh is going to create a video of the build process (Which is almost unnecessary after building the Simple stick many times and the Tutor once) and is FT going to offer the seven 3D printed parts for those of us in the 3D printer-deprived community. And will they recommend an electronics flight pack for motor and ESC, etc?

Finally, in the very windy spring weather, I find that a steerable tailwheel is a necessary modification to the Stick and the Tutor. The plane will not turn downwind using just a tail skid. I've built 3 different ones, one with a steel shaft, one with a plastic shaft, and one with a wooden dowel shaft. All work well. All position the shaft at the rudder hinge but are fastened to the fuselage. Only the steering rod connects to the rudder itself. Now my only limitation to flying in stronger winds is when the wind gets under the wing and flips the plane over.