Spektrum DX5e binding troubble


New member
Im looking at getting a Walkera Rodeo 150 and already have a Spektrum DX5e transmitter. In order to save a few bucks im looking at getting the bind and fly model but dont know if it will bind with the transmitter. The receiver on the Rodeo 150 is a DEVO-RX716, and the DX5e is 5 channel 2.4ghz DSM2 radio and receiver.
~thanks to anyone who helps :)

radio: https://www.spektrumrc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdId=SPM5500
Mutirotor: https://hobbyking.com/en_us/rodeo-150-fcc-bnf-with-battery-universal-changers-black.html


Obsession, not hobby
Hello and welcome! HobbyKing has a TX module the connects to the trainer port of different radios that's supposed to work with Devo receivers. I've never used one because I have a Devo 10 so I don't know how well they work. A quick Google search may provide some insight. Buying a used Devo TX might be another option if you're dead set on the Rodeo. Good luck!