Thanks The canopy is basically just a copy of the poster board FT canopies. I based this one on 13th squadron F6F canopy. A couple of key points. I used a pretty thin plastic from a box of salad. It’s a big box so I could screw up a few of them. I also glued the triangle folds first to shape it and then glued it on the plane. I used medium CA for all gluing.
Thanks The canopy is basically just a copy of the poster board FT canopies. I based this one on 13th squadron F6F canopy. A couple of key points. I used a pretty thin plastic from a box of salad. It’s a big box so I could screw up a few of them. I also glued the triangle folds first to shape it and then glued it on the plane. I used medium CA for all gluing.
As a guy at the field said "you can put lipstick on a pig!!" Yeah I'm really happy with the way it came out. I think the next one will have a rounded front.
Finished an E-flight Staggerwing yesterday and I'm not working today so.... Light wind and my neighbor farmer (the inconsiderate oaf!) finally cleared part of my runway so no time like the present. Here's the pre-flight beauty shot. Happy to say that except for the right main gear coming off that's how it looked after two flights.
Here's the boring video of the first two flights. If you're watching on a computer monitor you might see the little dot doing loops and rolls.
Finished the Caudron from 13th Squadron last night. Now the DH88 has some company before one (or both) die a horrible death. Its the best it will ever look.
Finished the Caudron from 13th Squadron last night. Now the DH88 has some company before one (or both) die a horrible death. Its the best it will ever look.
I'm new to the forum, but I want to say all of these planes look amazing. I am working on finishing my Bloody Baron, and am currently waiting for decals. Here it is so far...
I'm new to the forum, but I want to say all of these planes look amazing. I am working on finishing my Bloody Baron, and am currently waiting for decals. Here it is so far...
The Looney Tunes DR1 is done with minimal decoration. I went with brown and white FB, @Inq 's cowl & cheeks and I "discovered" inkjet water slide decals. AUW is 338g compared to FT's target of 340g. Maiden video was mostly off camera, Will do better next time.
The Looney Tunes DR1 is done with minimal decoration. I went with brown and white FB, @Inq 's cowl & cheeks and I "discovered" inkjet water slide decals. AUW is 338g compared to FT's target of 340g. Maiden video was mostly off camera, Will do better next time.
It looks awesome! Sometimes going with minimal design is the right decision. In this case, I think it was. In addition to printable water decals, you can also get "sticker paper" and print your own self-adhering decals. I was surprised at the quality my cheap little printer was able to pump out!
Finished the Caudron from 13th Squadron last night. Now the DH88 has some company before one (or both) die a horrible death. Its the best it will ever look.
Here is flight #2 and in frame. This morning was a little too windy. The wind was about 12 coming over the trees at the end of the field so there was some rotor to contend with too. Down in one piece, though. That's All Folks!
It looks awesome! Sometimes going with minimal design is the right decision. In this case, I think it was. In addition to printable water decals, you can also get "sticker paper" and print your own self-adhering decals. I was surprised at the quality my cheap little printer was able to pump out!
I just used regular copy paper and used the 3M77 to stick it down. But the one advantage I have, I'm using a Laser instead of Inkjet so, I don't really have to worry much about water bleeding it.