So last year about this time I decided to build my first 4 channel plane, the
Simple Scout, after finally getting the hang of flying on my
Old Speedster. I painted it up to look like a
Hangar 9 Ultra Stick and I flew that thing a ton. It suffered a lot of crashes as I was still learning to fly, but it held up for many months and really helped me get confident in my flying skills. A couple months ago I retired it since it was having a weird servo glitch, and it was really old, warped, and beat up. She now is proudly on display on the wall of my workshop.
Anyways, that was one of my favorite planes for a long time and I missed having one in my hangar, so after I retired it, I decided to build another, but this time modify the wing and make a custom fuselage and tail to make it look like the real ultra stick. Well I started that project but after a while it got pushed to the side and other projects took over my workbench. But this month, thanks to the build-ruary challenge by
@FoamyDM , I got the inspiration to finish this bird up! The last couple days I have spent several hours finishing up the build and painting this bird, and today I was lucky enough to be able to maiden it! I know often this about most planes, but this Simple Stick is the best flying plane I have ever flown! I wasn't the only one who thought that either - I let several of my flying buddies fly it and they were blown away by it's stability, speed envelope, and handling. I really hope some of you community members build it and are able to enjoy it as much as me and my buddies did! It slowed down to a walking pace and you still had good control. It doesn't have any bad flight characteristics and has very gentle stalls. If you cut the throttle and give full back elevator, it won't stall and will just glide down, but if you point the nose up and cut the throttle, it stalls gently and you are able to regain control fairly quickly. Also, it flies inverted very well. I wasn't planning on making plans for it but after me and my buddies had run a couple packs through it, we were convinced I should make plans as it flew so well it would be a pity if I couldn't share it with others!
Here's the setup I was running with for the maiden:
Power pack B motor
30 amp esc
8x8 APC thin electric prop
1000mah - 1500mah 3s lipo
With the B pack it definitely wasn't overpowered and didn't quite have unlimited vertical, but it was a very relaxing and scale experience, and there was enough power to do basic aerobatics like loops, rolls, and hammerheads. I plan on testing it out with the C pack and 3s and 4s lipo to see how the experience changes with the different power plants. If you're a beginner pilot, the B pack will be plenty, and if you are just looking for an sunday afternoon cruiser, you can't ask for anything better. (I'll edit this post later on describing the flight characteristics with the larger motors and batteries.) I definitely recommend this plane for beginners as it can fly very slowly, and also, I would recommend it to advanced pilots as well especially with a larger motor as it can cruise along nicely and do basic aerobatics. It's a great plane to try new things on as it's a super quick and simple design, and a durable construction.
Here’s the maiden flight footage:
And here are some pictures of mine:
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