Come check out the new site, RC plane Fun! Here you can learn all about RC aircraft, airplanes, helicopters, and quadcopters!
This is a great site for beginners just getting into the hobby and want to know "what next" and "how to!" There is also a weekly blog for new tips, tricks, and...
While I'm printing out my new quad design, I found myself with some time. SO, with that time I decided to watch a bunch of flite test videos haha and build a combat plane. Modeled it after a Peregrine Falcon. Illustrator scale plans soon!
Check it out!
For the past 3 years I've been using a folding table as my "bench".
That is about to change.
There was nothing really wrong with the folding table I just wanted something taller to allow me to stand while I work and also something to use for my video shoots.
For the last couple months I've...
Hi im planning to build my first quadcopter, i have no experience with these. However, i have read multiple articles and etc. so i feel like i have the basics covered, i also have experience with electrics and programming.
My plan:
I want to build my frame from wood, just like the flitetest...
Middle Georgia State College's Aeronautics Club will have there 2nd Annual Fun Fly April 10th and 11th. Think of this as a pre-SEFF warm up, we will have FPV racing, limbo, streamer combat and Night bowling going on though out the day and night. To fly cost 5 dollars, which goes toward our...
So after my giant fail with the f22 I build, I wanted to take a step back... So I chose the nutball since it's one of the most easy to build and fly planes out there.
The build was easy but very frustrating because the shape is round everywhere and I had a hard time making everything perfectly...
I'm home from college for the weekend and here in Massachusetts there is over 3 feet of snow on the ground and more than 4 in some areas. Instead of risking a white foam board FT plane or my quad at a field, I decided to build something to navigate the snowy jungle of my neighborhood. I had seen...
Show idea that I would love to see:
Competition: Who can make the most outrageous flying machine that successfully flies?
Points could be awarded for:
Style - Completely subjective, but you Flitetest guys are all about style. You've got this idea nailed.
Asymmetry - Our aircraft almost always...
Hi, my name is Calum and I am looking to build a multi rotor for aerial photography, this is not my first build but I wouldn't mind all the people on here who are smarter then me to help me build this multi rotor. Price is not a barrier.
I need something very stable, medium speed, strong and of...
Hello, my name is Charlie, (Charlie123 is my forum name here, as you can see). I am challenging those who see this challenge, to drop a large number of Badminton birdies from a plane, and then do one or more of the following (pick one or more):
(Note): Any of the things below can be partially...
I stuck a camera in my FT22 and flew it around a bit today. It worked better than I thought it would, so I may revisit the project in the future.
Of course, the canopy looms too large in the shot, so that'd have to be cut off which would probably detract from the look of the plane, but I...
the competition is to have the longest flight time using a 2200mah 3 cell battery must have proof in video form showing the putting in of the battery(so we know you don't put another batteries in) and no gliders or planes i say looks like one(but if everyone disagrees it gets overruled)
It's been some time since we have seen this awesome machine. Please release the Kraken. Plans, build video, tips, and more flying vids. That wing is completely awesome!
I know it says vids but most of the time there is only 1.7 seconds of awesome in my 13 minute vids, so I screen cap these moments. If anyone else wants to post there stills please do. They must be awesome or interesting and include an aircraft in shot. Like the following examples. Perhaps...
After what has seemed like ages, the 2geeks are back! Kyle returns with full throttle (literally) and the Geeks have a blast ripping of the sky (and grass) with Kyle’s Extra 300.
I had an idea the other day while I was watching a video about the "Sand Flea" -
I was thinking about building a spring loaded launch assembly for my Q450 Quadcopter, using a servo and a compression spring, or perhaps some type of piston? The whole idea...