
  1. SP0NZ

    Plane EZ Intruder 15 1.0

    EZ Intruder 15 Design by: Dan Sponholz The EZ Intruder design is inspired by the Air Hogs Intruder circa 2001. The Intruder was developed by Spin Master Toys, and sold under the Air Hogs and E Chargers brands back in 2001. Later in 2003 it was rebranded as the Resistor with 2 new liveries...
  2. Jo's squadron

    FT EZ questions

    I was wondering which power pack I should buy, the v1 or v2. and how much flight time do you guys have? 5min? And would I be able to fly in a indoor basketball court? Any advice? thanks
  3. S

    I made mini version of ft guinea pig

    So yeah micro guinea pig I just made it with simple paper nothing much and transmitter system I broke off and RC helicopter and it actually flies
  4. flitetest

    Part FT Adventure/Beaver Motor Mount 1.0

    Micro Adventure and Micro Beaver Motor Mount Design By: David Jester 3D Printable replacement motor mount for the Flite Test Micro Adventure and Flite Test Micro Beaver. Print with PLA or Tough PLA (PLA+).
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  7. B

    Duet salvage: scratch build

    Hey! I’m new to the forum! So I had just finished building my second viggen, except this one was my first scratch build. After seeing that it IS possible to do it, I just bought some extra foam and started hacking away at whatever popped into my head! My first “free form” project was a chuck...
  8. FlyingTyger

    Plane Tiny Twister 1.0

    Tiny Twister A micro fun-fly design for 3mm foam construction Span: 18" RTF weight of prototype: 74 grams Components used in prototype: Motor - Hobbyking 5g, 2000kv outrunner with a 5x3 prop Battery - 2 cell, 300mah LiPo ESC/Rx - Spektrum brushless ESC/Rx brick Servos - Spektrum linear servos...
  9. CraftyPilot

    Plane Micro size Long EZ 1.1

    This is my take on the classic Long EZ but in a small size. It has a wingspan of 560mm and should weigh about 100g including battery and electronics. It's not a beginner build and will take some effort to trim and fly. There is not build video as the small amount of parts shouldn't be too hard...
  10. Joe Carpino

    DIY Slow-fly F-4 Phantom

    I designed this about a year or 2 back and I remade the plans so I'm uploading them here so i can attach the link to my YouTube video. Feel free to check it out! DIY Mini Drone into RC F-4 PHANTOM! [FREE PLANS] - YouTube And here's the plans:
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  14. tesseract

    Help! How to scale down PDF plans

    How do you scale down PDF plans for planes?? I wanted to make a mini ShrubSmacker out of cardboard as a prototype, but I have no idea how to scale down plans. Thanks in advance, _________Planesandthings
  15. glideher

    Micro Lazy Bee Balsa 10" wing span

    here are some pictures of this here micro lazy bee, 10" wing span, 25 gram flying weight, next version will be under 19 grams and fly a lot slower
  16. "Corpse"

    Should I?

    Ok, so @The Hangar and I were hanging out a while back, and we traded a few motors. Long story short he gave me my motor back attached to a power pack a firewall. This kinda put a grin on my face. I had the ludicrous idea of putting power pack C electronics in something super small like a mini...
  17. JGplanes

    FT DHC-2 Beaver review and first impressions video

    I promised you guys, when this came out, I'd post a review on my YouTube channel. Well, it's out! And the verdict is... Since the video, I've had a chance to mess around with it a little more, and I finally found something minor to pick on. The foam landing gear legs, just behind where the...
  18. ScottyWarpNine

    FT Micro DHC-2 Beaver Unboxing and Assembly

    I made a quick unboxing and assembly video for the new FT Micro Beaver! It went together way easier than I thought it would. Can't wait for some warmer weather to fly it!
  19. FoamyDM

    Plane Foamy Spruce Gosling 1.0

    This Football field wing-span plane had held the world record as the larges plane the Movie the Aviator documented the life of its creator Howard Hughes... the H-4 Hercules mockling called the Spruce Goose, a name it will be forever known by: I have built this craft and know that it will...
  20. FoamyDM

    Micro P-38 - No Controls Just Thrust build

    FoamyDM's Wild Hair: Late october In the midst of building like a fool and drooling over the Soon to be released FT P-38. I had long ago noted Horseman P-38 build at Flitetest 2018, and vowed to build it. I had been on a bit of a PowerUp micro kick and thought... the P-38 might just be a decent...