
  1. flitetest

    Part Printable FT AIO FPV Camera Housing 1.0

    Printable AIO FPV Camera Housing Description: This simple camera housing holds the FT AIO FPV camera and VTX in an easy to mount package that provides great protection, ventilation, and allows you to move it from plane to plane. Recommended Settings: Material: PLA/PLA+ Infill: 30% Store...
  2. Mr NCT

    Part Pratt & Whitney Wasp(ish) 9 cyl. Radial V1

    I needed a larger radial for my golden age planes and was inspired by @SP0NZ radials. This one is in two pieces - the case & cylinders that allow for a motor with X mount to be attached from the front and the cover then snaps over the top. It's designed for FT2218 but should be easily modified...
  3. Mr NCT

    Part Landing Gear Attachment Panel 2022-11-21

    This panel is designed to be permanently glued into the wing during assembly and then attach the landing gear once painting and trim are finished. It's supported by the leading edge and the spar on a swappable series size wing. The gear wire is held in place by small (3" or 4") wire ties...
  4. flitetest

    Part FT Adventure/Beaver Motor Mount 1.0

    Micro Adventure and Micro Beaver Motor Mount Design By: David Jester 3D Printable replacement motor mount for the Flite Test Micro Adventure and Flite Test Micro Beaver. Print with PLA or Tough PLA (PLA+).
  5. flitetest

    Part Caddx Ant AIO Guardian Mount 1.0

    Gremlin Guardian Caddx Ant AIO FPV Camera Mount Design By: David Jester 3D printable fixed camera to mount the Caddx Ant AIO FPV Camera on the Flite Test Gremlin Guardian. Suggested Print Settings: Filament: PLA, PLA+ (Tough PLA) Layer Height: 0.2mm Supports: None Rafts: None...
  6. flitetest

    Part Insta360 GO 2 Guardian Camera Mount 1.0

    Insta360 GO 2 Camera Mount for FT Guardian Design By: David Jester 3D printable camera mount for the Insta360 GO 2 designed to be mounted on the Flite Test Guardian multirotor frame. Print Settings: Filament: colorFabb LW-PLA (Light Weight PLA) Flow: 55% Nozzle: 230° C Infill...
  7. flitetest

    Part FT Caddx Ant AIO Mount 1.0

    Caddx Ant AIO FPV Camera Mount Design By: David Jester 3D printable adjustable camera mount for the Caddx Ant AIO FPV Camera. This camera mount requires: [2] 3mm x 8mm screws and [1] 1" x 3/32" O-ring to complete the assembly. Files: Caddx Ant Mount Part 1.stl Camera Plate Caddx Ant...
  8. B

    New to this: Trying to Install Powerpack C motor to swappable powerpod

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and probably chose the wrong airplane to start with. I got the FT Mustang Speed build with a power pack C. Radial motor. I have zero idea how to install it the motor to the firewall, and am unable to find a video or instructions. I see there's a cross shaped...
  9. Mid7night

    Part FT Radial Motor Mount v1

    This is the motor mount I made and used on the Yellow Jacket. It has 16x16 hole spacing to match the new FT Radial hole pattern.
  10. Mid7night

    Part 3D Printed EDF Duct - 1106 Gremlin Motor v4

    This is the print file for the custom EDF motor-mount-ducts that I designed for my 7ft B-52. It has been updated to work with 2" props, and has motor mount holes for the 1106 size motors.
  11. F

    First Post / Camera Mount for FatShark 700tvl CMOS v2

    Hello everyone, I am new to the Flitetest forums, and am looking for a camera mount for my new FPV camera. I just bought a FatShark 700TVL CMOS v2. I am new to FPV, and am looking for a cheap mount that can be tilted up or down, depending on how fast I want to fly. I know racers often use FPV...
  12. C

    Motor Mount

    I'm working on a multi engine foamy. Its our first foamy ever. I need to mount the motors on the wings and I didn't think about it when we made the wing. So what's the best solution for mounting the motor? Wood, metal brackets???
  13. R

    FT210 HD camera mounting

    Hi I am new here. I just built the FT210 quad and have gotten to the point where I am flying it more than crashing it. So now I want to buy a camera like a Go Pro session or Polaroid cube and get some footage of my relatively tame flights. Thing is I am not sure how I would mount that cube style...
  14. kacknor

    Camera / Mounts For Self Made Videos?

    What video camera and or mount system is most popular or easy (read: Cheap) to capture Maidens and other flights? I normally don't have anyone capable of molding a camera steady and flying with one hand is a skill I don't possess. Last night I maidened my newest Mini Sportster...
  15. U

    Power Pack C Motor Advice?

    I recently finished my FT Spitfire, but ordered the wrong motor (small, 29 gram Hextronic). The plane flew, but had awful aileron authority, probably due to the low airspeed. I ordered the larger motor, ( an NTM Prop Drive Series but could not find any clear...
  16. aslansknight

    FPV Board Camera Mount - 3D Printer

    I ordered an FPV kit from HobbyKing a while back but didn't give any thought as to how I would mount it to my Quadrotor. (I built the Electrohub air frame from the FliteTest store.) Since I didn't have a good mounting solution, I let the FPV stuff sit in its box for a while. Since then I have...
  17. F

    Motor Mounting!

    Hey Guys, Before I start, this isn't really a scratch build but it's the only place I could think of to post this. So I picked up this little hand launch glider from my local hobby store when I was bored, and got the idea of converting it into a powered glider/plane. I have 2 Turnigy Park 300...
  18. A

    F450 go pro mount ideas (to exclude the props from the shot).

    Hi All, I've been tinkering with my F450 re-arranging things a little bit. I've also created a anti-jello mount, however I've decided I don't like the props in view. I have been tempted to get a deadcat style frame and transfer over to that, however before i do, does anyone have any ideas...
  19. I

    Gopro mount idea

    A while ago it occurred to me that maybe everyone is overthinking this whole gopro mount thing. What if you were to utilize the factory mounting system since it's already a hinge? I finally got around to drawing something up in sketchup and was wanting some feedback. There would be a thrust...
  20. Will

    Suggestions: Radio Mount for Monitor, Video RX, and Telemetry

    Hi. I'm searching for a good mount for my 9X radio to attach a 4" display, RC805 video RX, Quanum telemetry display, and a 3000mAh 3S battery. Can you guys give me some tips of a good way to do it? Links to diy projects are wellcome. Tnx. (here is an example of a guy who did what I'm looking...