First Fixed Wing and First Build: FT Tiny Trainer Wings


Finally the Holidays are over. I could move the glass table top and finish my first fixed wing build the Flite Test Tiny Trainer!

Thank you to everyone at Flite Test who worked on the FT Tiny Trainer. I would not have an air plane with out Flite Test!

So does this look anything like the build video? Sorry I am a FrSky Taranis fan boy! No Grapuners here!

Got the 3 Channel wing done.

Got the Aileron / 4 Channel wing done. And I drink Diet Pepsi not Mountain Dew!

FrSky FLVSS Battery Checker Onboard Display / Telemetry unit.

Taranis configured to show Lowest Cell voltage, Battery Pack Voltage and RSSI.

When I flip a switch my Taranis SAYS the battery pack voltage, Flip another switch and it Says the RSSI value. Can your Futaba, Sppektrum, or Grapuner do that? Also when the battery voltage or lowest cell voltage hits a certain point the radio automatically says, "Battery Low" and if it drops another 0.2 volts on either the radio automatically says, Battery Critical.

And in case you are wondering... My Taranis is on OpenTX 2.0.17 (I know about 2.0.18 and 2.1.0)and I am using a FrSky X8R rx.
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Skill Collector
Congrats! Awesome combination (I'm on OpenTX 2.1.0 with the Taranis myself). Don't forget to program in a good throttle disable function too - there is one out here on the forums that requires the stick to be all the way down and then flip a switch to activate the throttle so you don't accidentally bump the switch and end up with an unexpected full throttle blast in the pits. If you have any trouble finding the programming for that, let me know and I'll post up my .epee file for you to take a look at.