First Night Flying - Used an Anycopter


New member
So, I have clocked in less than an hour of flight time on my tricopter, and I decided to do some night flying.....(such a newb). I added some LED's to it and I had an absolute blast. Assembling the LED's was difficult. The strips I got left very little space for soldering and the wires kept ripping off. However, I changed my original plan and ended up soldering the LED strips directly together. They came out much stronger and light up the Tricopter amazingly. Here is a video. Enjoy.



Senior Member
Looks like everyone was having fun with it!
As far as soldering the LED strips together, I've found the easiest way to do it is to get some flux on the solder spot, drop a bit of solder on there, then use a small wire (I found an extra Ethernet cable lying around and stripped out the wires for that) and pre tin the wire end, and a quick touch of the iron to both and voila!


New member
Yea. That is what I found online. The problem was that the copper points on the strip were easily ripped off after soldering. I think it might be because my iron was too hot.


Senior Member
Yeah that would've been the next thing I would suggest. Make sure you have a small enough tip and turn the heat down. If it doesn't happen quickly it will definitely strip off the layers.