You have to also think about how resilient antennas are. Great range is totally useless if you keep breaking them or ripping them off on gates, tree limbs.. anything else. Clover leaf and pagoda style antennas are a no go just for that reason. I recommend the axii because I have not broke nor lost one since I started using them. I was killing at least two clover leaf's a week running gate practice from them hooking on the gate at high speeds. After killing a second VTX along with one of them I switched immediately.
Everyone talks about great range but technically that's a non issue as you cant legally fly beyond normal vision. A simple stock dipole gets that job done. No need for fancy and expensive directionals and such anymore. Specifically if you fly smaller quads. Flying long range on them can mean kissing them good bye. Specially if you crash upside down so you cant direction find them or worse if you eject a battery. they are hard enough to find in the front lawn at times let alone having to walk any major distance to back track your flight.
I also use and recommend that iron. Mine is going on near 4 years old now with ZERO issues on original tip too!! Best $20 investment into the hobby so far.