Just joined the forum couple days, was pointed your direction, and just wanna say, yea, wow! Nice job. I didn't wanna comment until I read through the whole thread, which I spent the last couple days doing. I'm super excited to try out your skins. I have some prior building and flying experieince, but getting back in after a long time. I just received a FT tiny trainer kit today to get me started. I also downloaded a few plans and bought some materiels. Gearing up to do some scratch building and cant wait to try your art.
I have a brother in law (retired Airforce) that loves warbirds. I got him going on a GWS slow stick awhile back. He had a bad experience with a RTF P-51, and now I cant seem to get him back into the RC. I'm hoping the FT stuff and now your art will be what lures him back in.
That being said I have a few questions, but I'll hold off till I get at least one build done and see if they work themselves out.
Regarding pakrat1022's post b4 mine... I don't see a link to other skins besides the mustang on the first page of this thread. Am I missing something?