I just finished putting together a tiny tutor with the newer white maker foam. My wing came out pretty warped and the aft fuselage twisted a bit relative to the main section. So I ended up with a fairly warped wing that will never come out, and the tail looks totally square from the back which is how I lined it up when the glue set, but is off by 5-or-so degrees looking from the front which is probably how I should have lined it up. I had assumed that the warps would come out when the folds got locked in, but that didn't seem to happen. Maybe because this is a smaller model? I haven't had a chance to try to fly it (maybe next weekend) and I'm sure it will trim out and fly just fine. I was pretty unimpressed with my own workmanship on this one, but wondering if some of that was just due to warps in the foam. For sure "potato chip" is a good description of how the foam came out of the shrink wrap. Outside of the warped foam, the rest of the build came out nice, and the build video was really great and I appreciated all the extra little hints and tips Josh tossed in for no extra charge.
I was going to post something here, and then found this thread. Do other people spend time trying to flatten their foam before building? I know that is possible with the dollar tree stuff, but not sure about the maker foam. The last FT kit I put together was the storch and it was the brown paper stuff at that time ... it came out nice and straight, no complaints back then. Or do people just fold and glue and call it close enough? Maybe I'm a victim of my own picky-ness?
I have a box of dollar tree foam that isn't water resistant, but I have been keeping it pressed flat so I was thinking of scratch building a new wing myself just to at least get that straight.
Anyway, not trying to sound complainy here ... the FT group is great and I've been a huge fan since forever ... just wondering if there are tricks other people use to get things more straighter than what I managed to do on this build?