She Flew!
Sorry no vid.
Maidened her today because it looks like rain over the weekend. It was pretty windy this morning, 10-15mph, not ideal.
First flight was with the light power setup (all up 18oz). She flew fine. Seemed a little twitchy on the roll axis but it was hard to tell if that was just the wind because she was a bit skittish in the gusts.
Then I installed the heavier setup. The all up was 27oz. She flew much better in the wind with the extra weight and was smooth. On high elevator throws and hard down on the stick I detected occasional tip stall, rolling out of the climb but nothing too serious and it didn't drop a wing on a slow landing. She even knife-edges pretty well. Not sure how fast she was going, but not as fast as I expected. I need to test the setup to see if I am truly getting max power from the motor with the 9x9 prop.
All in all, very happy with how she did. Will colorized the plans and post them in the next couple of days.