FTFC20 Luscombe Silvaire by FoamyDM and Kilroy07


Building Fool-Flying Noob
...Because Every Cloud should have Silvaire Lining...


Kilroy07 has been a sucker for a challenge for a long while now. He joined my First Forum Challenge -Build-ruary. it's a madcap attempt build 4 planes in February. It's just stupid, fun, and you should try it this year! Since those early times of insanity, we have shared many other conversations, tips, and generally goading us each into doing projects we know we have no right taking on.
I was asked (As I'm a designing fool) if I might try my hand at putting together a set of Master Builder style (rounded fuse) plans for this craft he has personal Fond memories of.

"So I have a love hate relationship with this thing...
Just imagine having to polish this WHOLE thing by hand! Apparently (or at that's the line my Dad always fed me) was there was a thin (just a few microns) layer of pure aluminum to give it that shine... if you used a mechanical polisher you would burn through it.
That's the old man posing with her at Oshkosh, he took 2nd place for his class I believe that year. He restored her from a ground loop incident."

With his direct connection to this plane, I was very interested to learn some more. This isn't my first brush with Personal Request or inspirations from Personal Experiences Either. So I told him that if I do this he has to cut me a kit for us both to build. He agreed and off I went to the Drawing Board.

In short turn I had put something together. It was a new-to-me method. and I am still working out how to put it all together.

Balsa Plans


My First Version (no Exterior Skin)

Beta 0.3
FDM k07LuscombeSylvaire_PlansB0.3.PNG
Version Beta 2.0:

Design Process
I asked @kilroy07 which motor and wing span was he expecting/aiming for (30 - 50 - 80). he explained that he was expecting around 40" with a C-pack. I notice most of the C-packs were 50-60 so I went with just under the 2-sheet size and at that size, the 10" slow fly prop will work perfectly.

System Design
Motor: C-pack
Prop: 10x4.7 or 9x6
Wing Span: 56"
Wing Area: 340 si
Battery: 2200 3S
SPeed Controller - 30A ESC 2-3s
AUW: ~600

From this I know what I'm aiming for, the prop diameter, rough wingspan, and most importantly what power pod I will be using.

I always start with the 3-view and make a plan set above. As this one will have a rolled fuse, I will be making it using paper taped, and a trimmed with picture to use in CADD to make the template. I wanted this to have a core mounting tube for the Power Pod. this gives the plan rigidity, and a sturdy place to setup the bulkheads so I could skin the plane easier.


Not it's time to skin this silvered cat.

Maiden Flight

the next one should be like this :p:


  • Luscombe_Silvaire_56 B0.3.pdf
    306.5 KB · Views: 0
  • FDM k07LuscombeSylvairevB2.1.pdf
    374.4 KB · Views: 0
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Legendary member
...Because Every Cloud should have Silvaire Lining...


Kilroy07 has been a sucker for a challenge for a long while now. He joined my First Forum Challenge -Build-ruary. it's a madcap attempt build 4 planes in February. It's just stupid, fun, and you should try it this year! Since those early times of insanity, we have shared many other conversations, tips, and generally goading us each into doing projects we know we have no right taking on.
I was asked (As I'm a designing fool) if I might try my hand at putting together a set of Master Builder style (rounded fuse) plans for this craft he has personal Fond memories of.

"So I have a love hate relationship with this thing...
Just imagine having to polish this WHOLE thing by hand! Apparently (or at that's the line my Dad always fed me) was there was a thin (just a few microns) layer of pure aluminum to give it that shine... if you used a mechanical polisher you would burn through it.
That's the old man posing with her at Oshkosh, he took 2nd place for his class I believe that year. He restored her from a ground loop incident."

With his direct connection to this plane, I was very interested to learn some more. This isn't my first brush with Personal Request or inspirations from Personal Experiences Either. So I told him that if I do this he has to cut me a kit for us both to build. He agreed and off I went to the Drawing Board.

In short turn I had put something together. It was a new-to-me method. and I am still working out how to put it all together.

Balsa Plans


My First Version (no Exterior Skin)

Design Process
I asked @kilroy07 which motor and wing span was he expecting/aiming for (30 - 50 - 80). he explained that he was expecting around 40" with a C-pack. I notice most of the C-packs were 50-60 so I went with just under the 2-sheet size and at that size, the 10" slow fly prop will work perfectly.

System Design
Motor: C-pack
Prop: 10x4.7 or 9x6
Wing Span: 56"
Wing Area: 340 si
Battery: 2200 3S
SPeed Controller - 30A ESC 2-3s
AUW: ~600
View attachment 146587

From this I know what I'm aiming for, the prop diameter, rough wingspan, and most importantly what power pod I will be using.

I always start with the 3-view and make a plan set above. As this one will have a rolled fuse, I will be making it using paper taped, and a trimmed with picture to use in CADD to make the template. I wanted this to have a core mounting tube for the Power Pod. this gives the plan rigidity, and a sturdy place to setup the bulkheads so I could skin the plane easier.


Not it's time to skin this silvered cat.

Maiden Flight

the next one should be like this :p:
Looks awesome!


New member
Nice! I was just thinking about scratch building a Luscombe. Did it fly yet?
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
:confused: After cutting out and building the skin as update last week, I have somehow goofed the size/scale for it.
However, I can confirm that it will build a Silvaire looking plane. (just too small for the core and sections):oops:
B2 should be scaled correctly and a nose cowl added:
and added labels. Ready for upload :D
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
Here's the picture showing the size difference.
IMG_20200122_005336432.jpg IMG_20200122_005346490.jpg
as a plus is the lack of a core, and section should half the weight.
that being said, I put the rest together.
This is the kind of edge you get when you iron a taper on the trailing edges
IMG_20200122_010607812.jpg IMG_20200122_010540916.jpg IMG_20200122_010552339.jpg
I sunk the roof by cutting and a 3/16" trim job. glue it back in.
IMG_20200122_005422532.jpg IMG_20200122_021944995.jpg
quickly cut out the tail sections.. and checked out it's form factor.
IMG_20200122_021906089.jpg IMG_20200122_021911432.jpg IMG_20200122_021919191.jpg

tonight is electronics, and landing gear.

As I was musing, (after I enlarged the fuse, I thought.... maybe I shrunk it to keep the sheet count and weight lower?)


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I have reviewed the plans and adjusted them so the Core is the size of the skins and wings.

I am now planing to post them as a resource. they are here however, if you want to bypass it.


  • FDM-k07_Luscombe_Sylvaire_v1.0.pdf
    364.8 KB · Views: 0


Building Fool-Flying Noob
It flew!
Actually it flew very well. Especially considering the steady good breeze.
Once trimmed in on the next battery, I was doing loops and rolls easily, as well as some short tentative inverted flight.
With the breeze this was a STOL!

In short: Build one. It reminds me of a more agile FT Storch in how it flies.
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Building Fool-Flying Noob
I cannot remember why this bird took a dive and needed work, likely a case of some dumb thumbs. But I have put some effort in to getting her flight worthy. With that, I am looking to get this on FPV ready too.

Here is the pattern for the windshield.
And how it looks installed.
IMG_20211017_233718246.jpg IMG_20211017_233724258.jpg
I realized, afterwards, I didn't leave room to access it. Hmm. It's fixable.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I have discovered where I stashed some of my FPV cameras. Each had "something" to fix. I have selected one and made the fix. I have a quick test to do, and I'm expect you will see FPV flying of this bird.




Legendary member
I have discovered where I stashed some of my FPV cameras. Each had "something" to fix. I have selected one and made the fix. I have a quick test to do, and I'm expect you will see FPV flying of this bird.
Looking forward to it!

If you want, I can probably get my dad to send some pics of his!

Are you getting any tail dragger time? (Maybe fi I ever get around to finishing mine, we can take her up!)
Wouldn't it be awesome if they allowed fly-ins like Oshkosh at Flite Fest?!!


Building Fool-Flying Noob
That would be Incredible. FF'18 I thought they has some school fly in, they had the plane on display.

In Full Scale, not yet. I figured I could get my PPL on a tricycle then get a tail cert after.
RC Heck Yeah! I brought my Cub back to life, along with this one. Both has something Minor to fix.

Thinking about getting a couple of these to add to the "dash":