Thanks everyone! Yeah some exhaust ports would be neat - I'll put that on the list for sure!
Also a huge thank you to Carl
@wilmracer for the video and nerve calming!
So the maiden flight had a couple challenges. Carl was gracious and edited out the 4 or 5 nose over's when trying to taxi out. Definitely need to move the wheels forward so they aren't so close to the CG.
Once I found a really flat 10 feet of field she practically leapt into the sky! I kept her at a shallow upline on takeoff to avoid any potential stalls till I was sure I had plenty of airspeed and a bit of clear air underneath her. It was a little nerve rattling at first cause I was pulling about half up elevator and more left aileron than I liked to keep her under straight. Once I ran the trims out to the ends she flew very much where I pointed her, but I wasn't up for a hands off pass at all. Maybe next time

When I cut the throttle all the way she didn't dip a wing or nose dive - just stayed pointed straight ahead and started sinking. And when I throttled up she stayed level so the thrust angle is in good shape.
I was very concerned about nosing over on the landing, so when I cut power to glide in and I saw it was going to be short of the field, I decided to take advantage of the tall grass and just set her down there nice and level. The only damage from the maiden was a single piece of the black pinstripe that came loose.
There are a couple things to address before the next flight - most importantly moving the wheels forward and using subtrim to zero out the control surfaces. But I also want to put the black stripes around the cowl and add in some exhaust pipes