Thanks all
JimCR120 - Thanks. I am in California, in the Silicon Valley. I will change that on my profile later.
Gatormurica - My ESCs are BEC (linear) and do get hot when using the BEC circuit to power the flight controller. I haven't decided it's necessary to undo the power lead because they are not switching BECs. Still might change it for troubleshooting purposes temperarily, so as to make progress in some way. Thanks for the kudos on the frame, I have designed and machined other things, so for me it was extra fun. I actually got a new power distribution board with a 5V output and plan to play with that instead of using the built in BEC on the ESCs to change the setup for troubleshooting, as I said before.
PsyBorg - Thanks for the basic setup advice, as they are a good set of instructions...until something goes wrong like mine, doh (palm to forehead). I've gone down my diagnosis path to try to rule problems out and I feel I am getting close to the true issue.
Snarls - Thanks for this information ("ESC...operate closer to 1100 and 1800 as you saw"). I am learning that some ESCs, especially in the era that I got mine, are different than the mainstream and inconsistant to most genereal signals for "arming" or throttle calibration. I find your suggestion very helpful about the min command changes and will try this I know if you start to change too many settings at once you end up with a mess.
I just wanted to say too, I have really basic 4 channel Rx with manual trim settings...nothing fancy like the ones people have with screens and like 8 different auxiliary switches. I am hoping I can get through this without feeling the need to go buy a more advanced radio setup before I even get off the ground.
Sometimes I do feel discouraged, but I have solved many odd problems like this before and don't believe in giving up. I have hope still and plan to shove forward. I'll keep you updated.
One of the oddest things I am currently running across is that my ESCs aren't talking to my naze32_rev6 yet AND that power is routed oddly. From my blog, you will see I am actually getting quiet beeps from the ESCs when connecting the naze32 to USB...I found out later that this naze board has no diode from the board's main power (via USB at this point) to the ESC rail, so they are getting power without the battery plugged in. Normally, with no USB power, the ESCs would be powering the flight controller (naze32_rev6), but from the beeps you can tell it seems it getting power through them (bad because it's reverse). Maybe I'll upload a video of this odd occurrence.
Going to check some replies to my blog now. Thanks all.