Illegal Quad Video


Church Meal Expert
I did some quick searching for Drone Regulations in RRC - nada.
I did find this on the BLM RRC site -

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Supplemental Rules
I read through the whole thing this is all I could find.
Very obviously NOT about model drones...
Federal Register -
Screen Shot 04-17-15 at 03.14 PM.JPG

I'd be willing to bet that the BLM would issue someone a permit to do this if they asked nicely and demonstrated that you are in support of their mission.
There are *MANY* aerial videos on YT of RRC.

Best regards,


Church Meal Expert
Whether NPS or BLM (or setting up supplemental regulations at various locations), it highlights one of my broader concerns. With the vast preponderance of laws, regulations, etc., many which have not been passed by Congress, but by the stroke of a pen via a twitter or web posting, it is nearly impossible to know if what you are doing is "legal" or not (according to some bureaucrat 2000 miles away).

This image illustrates this issue. 80,000 pages of federal regulation enacted by unelected bureaucrats.
The small stack on the top are actual laws enacted by Congress.
This is just for the year 2013. I say drain the swamp.......


Best regards,


Church Meal Expert
Don't worry about it. Folks here are very sensitive to anything that makes our hobby look bad.
I think they all got a chance to blow off some steam.
Just edit your original post and remove the 'Illegal' references.
It's all good.

EDIT - I see you tried to change it already. Click on Edit Post and then on Go Advanced. This will allow you to change the title.

Best regards,
Last edited:


Freehand Scratch Builder
Thank you much! At least you think before you comment. Thank you for understanding and the advice!