Low budget Motor-Kit from China - what specs do i need for Tiny Trainer


New member

i am pretty new to RC flight. I never build ore flew one. Now i am a early retirement guy in his early 40th.
And i struggle to get rid of the morning time. I need a Hobby ;)

So i ordered a tiny trainer and hot glue gun on Saturday.

I cant spend much money so i bought a used Devo 7. I ordered two metal gear 9g servos and a 6 Channel Rx from China.

Now i need an ESC and Motor. What specs need a good motor for this plane?

For example this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-XXD-motor-AA2212-15T-RC-2200-Brushless-Motor-930KV-XXD-ESC-30A-free-shipping/1219295714.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10068_10193_10194_10304_10307_10137_10060_10302_10155_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_100031_10099_10103_10102_10101_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10177_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10180_10312_10313_10184_10314_10315_10316_10078_10079_10073_10186,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_7&btsid=151549f9-77f3-468f-bcf8-3959aafa06f1&algo_expid=1f48628f-f1a6-4c60-a261-aededc7480ad-1&algo_pvid=1f48628f-f1a6-4c60-a261-aededc7480ad

This motor is available from 930kV-2600kV. Does one of this motors fit in a trainer?

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New member
heyyyyy southPOW,the motors u should buy is a 2200 kv motor which is typically used for a 250 quad.Some options may be the emax mt1806 2200 kv motors.Or some racerstar motors.They are about 7-12$ each.I would really suggest not to go for that cheap especially when buying from china.The problem is if u get an esc and motor for 12$ all together the quality would definately be sacrificed.U should expect the motors sometimes to cutoff or the esc to malfunction.

Some good options for motors are

High quality emac motor-https://www.banggood.com/Emax-RS2205-2600KV-RS-2205-2600KV-Racing-Edition-CWCCW-Brushless-Motor-for-FPV-Multicopters-p-1041930.html?p=WM26066628141201609D

Kinda high quality cheap racerstar motor (i use theese on my quad)-https://www.banggood.com/Racerstar-2205-BR2205-2300KV-2-4S-Brushless-Motor-CWCCW-For-QAV250-ZMR250-260-280-RC-Multirotor-p-1065661.html?p=WM26066628141201609D

You could also get the emax mt1806 motors that ft uses as stock power pack a motors,i dont like them though the feel underpowered for me.

For esc's i suggest getting emax esc's or hobbywing esc's.

EMAX(choose 30a if getting the racerstar motor's or usually 20a should be fine,you can choose the current on the page itself)-https://www.banggood.com/Emax-Simonk-Series-12A-20A-25A-30A-40A-ESC-For-Quadcopter-QAV-250-p-918126.html?p=WM26066628141201609D

Hobbywing esc's(same as above 30-40a for racerstars and 20a for other motors, this is a 20a esc u can search for higher current escs if u need,also this supports only till 3s so 4s cannot be used.However the tiny trainer would be perfect without )-https://www.banggood.com/Hobbywing-Skywalker-2-3S-20A-Brushless-ESC-With-5V2A-BEC-For-RC-Models-p-1041721.html?p=WM26066628141201609D

However it is your choice what you buy,you get what u pay for (most of the times lol) i learnt this the hard way.If u want to buy the aliexress motors give it a try it may turn out fine,however never go for those ridiculously priced tiger or lumineer motors ahaha i am scared of the price itself.other mid priced motors would perform just as well. ahahaha enjoy flying!!!
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Faster than a speeding face plant!
Only buy from China what you can afford to be screwed on. If it's expensive or project critical, source it locally.

Never ever give a Chinese company your credit card. Use PayPal.


New member
heyyyyy southPOW,the motors u should buy is a 2200 kv motor

Can you explain me why? I read a lot these days and i thought less kv mean higher torque and i can put a larger and slower propeller on it. So i thought i use a 1000kV with a (speed/size= -+0,5) propeller. So i can fly slow but strong at the beginning.

Did i learned some thing wrong?

And i never give my card away on internet. I always use paypal. I order most of my electronics in china even my mobile is a Mlais and until now i never had a problem. And luckily the shop ageorge posted has a EU-Warehouse :)
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Posted a thousand or more times
greating from Germany. You are not wrong theoretical. Lower KV normaly has more torque, so you csn use larger props.
But more torque and bigger props ona small plane has to be compensated by thrust angle. So you should use the specified optimum motor size.


Old and Bold RC PILOT
I choose to use a 2205c 1400Kv on my TTs. It can drive props up to 9x5 on 3S but I generally use a 6x5 for training sessions. The ESC I use is the HK 12A. Please note: using a 1400Kv on 3S is similar motor speed to a 2100Kv on 2S, (subject to prop load etc of course).

I initially chose the motor because it was robust looking with an integral "Propsaver". So far I have not lost a motor due to crash damage and some of the motors are on their 5th model, (the first 4 all ending vertically).

As I have bought a number of them I also use them in design projects as well and the lower Kv means LESS "P" factor issues and the SF props really give it great thrust at low speed, (Almost like hanging on its prop).

Actually the fastest plane I have currently is a retro flying wing made from FB and using a 2205c 1400Kv, 800 3S, and a 6x5 prop. It is actually faster than my FT spitfire! Go figure!

I am not in the workforce either and I wanted something simple, cheap, robust, and with adequate performance and so far no complaints!

Have fun!


New member
taataa ;)

So is 50g too heavy? When i look at the package i think even 20g is to large ;)

ps. my south account is broken even after writing with staff...


Hi there,

I actually had to delete my old post and re-write it because I was under the assumption that you could actually get these parts cheaper ordering from a Chinese vendor, but in fact, they cost less coming from Flite Test themselves, Shipping included! The other real major difference in ordering from Flite Test VS the overseas seller is that Flite Test solders all of the connectors on for you and tests the motors and ESCs to make sure they work before they ship them out. So really you're potentially saving a lot of time and trouble going through them.

The Chinese seller I was looking at wants $28.86 shipping included for one ESC and one motor. I found that I can get the same exact two parts from FT for $26.69. That might not seem like a big difference but keep in mind, if you're in the United states, your Flite Test order will arrive in about five days, if you order from this other seller who I won't name, it could be up to a month before everything arrives and you'll still have to do some soldering before you can fly.

The recommendation for the FT Tiny Trainer is the power pack A. I've flown mine with this setup and it flies perfectly. The motor is an Emaxx MT1806 CCW and the speed controller is an Emaxx 12 amp. They sell these parts by themselves in the store so you don't have to buy the whole pack if you don't want to.

The two batteries they recommend for the trainer are the 800mAH 2S 20C at $8 and the 800mAh 3S 20C at $10. I'm running the larger 3S in mine and it does make it a little more nose heavy but if flies no problem. I got other guys at my club wanting one after they saw me doing loops and stuff with it.

Also in the pack A are two 6x3 propellers which are also a good match with this whole setup. They sell those for $2.95 for a pack of two. I recommend ordering at least two of those packs if you've never flown before. I busted both of my propellers on the maiden though experiences will differ.

The motor you linked in the original post is probably a lot more power than you need for the Tiny Trainer. The MT1806 that they have designed it to be flown with is a 2280KV multicopter motor. It's a lot smaller but has plenty of power to fly this plane.

Hopefully some of what I have to say is found helpful. Happy flying.


New member
Yes you did. Now i have 3 "votes" für high kv motor.
I will get a +2000kv Motor. And after i saw the kit i will get a under 40g Engine.

The main problem with flight test in germany are the kinky high prices it cost... For example (Euro converted to Dollar include Tax and shipping):

Power Pack A : 93.61 Dollar
Tiny Trainer before discount : 52,65 Dollar now 40,93 Dollar

But that is not FT fault its a general problem. But additionally flite test chosen Graupner as German partner what was a big mistake.
Graupner was always battling the premium rc market with Robbe (US known for Futaba-Controller). They killed each other so only their names survived. But not only theirs names survived also the premium Prices.

RC-Model as Hobby was only for the rich in Germany before the Chinese showed up. So i dont have bad feelings ore experiences buying Chinese stuff.

Okay i will buy a 30a Emax ESC (for further use) and a 2000+kv <40g Motor. The only thing missing now is the LiPo but i will make an other thread for better overview.


(hopefully English natives will not get to much pain reading hrhr)
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Okay i will buy a 30a Emax ESC (for further use) and a 2000+kv <40g Motor. The only thing missing now is the LiPo but i will make an other thread for better overview.


(hopefully English natives will not get to much pain reading hrhr)

Hi again,

No worries about language, your English is just fine and with google chrome I can translate it if needed. Anyway, if you're going with the FT Tiny Trainer, the recommended batteries are both 800mAh, either a 2S or 3S, and both are 20C I believe. I've been flying mine with the 3S pack and it flies just fine with that, though I have to mount it as far back on the velcro as I can to maintain good balance. I'm sure this model will fly just as well on the lighter 2S also. I've never needed to go above 3/4 throttle with the 3S and have never depleted it during flight so it's probably more battery than I need anyway.

I hope that helps, there are plenty of sources for less expensive parts it sounds like from where you are located, I apologize, I wasn't paying attention to where you were at when I posted my first reply. You may be able to get your parts cheaper and faster going through banggood.com. They have a lot of the same brands and parts that FT puts in their power pack kits and I'm sure they have batteries too.

Last note, the 30 amp speed controller is way overkill unless you're planning to use it with a much larger motor. The Emaxx 1806 is a small drone motor and it only draws around 9 - 10 amps full throttle from a fully charged 800mAH 3S 20C pack. There's some math for this that I compiled in another thread.. I'll share a link to it on this thread.


Here's the bit of information I gathered when I was getting started and trying to figure out how to match motor/ESC/battery for best performance and flight efficiency. Bigger parts mean more weight. I hope it's not inappropriate for me to link one of my own threads this way but I think it's applicable in this instance to apply some actual data to the situation. I always prefer the scientific approach to new things over people's anecdotal reports, because science works everywhere.


Each Flite Test model is designed intending to be operated with a specific set of components, the weight and power of each component is somewhat critical to the performance of the aircraft, so over building these models does you no good once you're in the air. If it's too damn heavy it just won't perform like it should. Even experienced modelers build things that won't fly when they try to hot-rod them (Sometimes).

Best of luck to you.