Just upgraded my Naze (due to its unwillingness to connect to BF) to a Lux V2. The board powers up fine when plugging it in to my pc, and is found by BF fine. The problem is when I plug in my battery it doesnt turn on. I've checked/redid the solder joints many times. The most I get is the board to turn on once, I put on my frame top (FT210) and it doesnt boot. Heres the startup guide https://www.getfpv.com/media/wysiwyg/product-user-manuals/Lux-V2-Quick-Start-Guide.pdf . The manual says to connect to the ground outermost when not using pins or a different one when using pins, I've tried both. I also have my runcam soldered to vcc so I know it has voltage. One time that it booted the LEDs were dimmer than normal, so I'm going to desolder everything and resolder with new wire incase there's a small break in the line. If you guys have any idea what else to try thats be amazing, thanks!
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