Mustang, you might consider taking a look at a TauLabs board, like the Sparky or the BrainFPV. In Tau you can configure the max angle of attack. For instance, I have mine set to 60 degrees. You can probably set it all the way to 90 degrees, though I have not tried. Once you have it tuned, it flies very nice. BrainFPV is probably a grate choice for FPV racing.
As for the best Racing frame, I was thinking that the most simple and elegant design would probably also be the fastest. Basically a ball with 4 tubes sticking out, and motors on the end of the booms. Close to perfect aerodynamics. Aerodynamics do matter a lot, even at slower speeds. A wind screen on my K1200R bike made a significant difference on its 0-60 times, and a much bigger difference to its 0-120 times.
I also think that the next innovation should be a software tilt camera. I think Parrot might be doing this, but I have yet to see it as a stand alone option. Basically, you can take a normal camera and mount it on it's side, so you get a portrait view, rather then the normal landscape. Add a super wide angle lens to that camera, 170 degrees +. Then you use an onboard chip and based on the tilt of the quad cut out for your self a 3/4 image out of that long portrait view. You can scale the tilting, so for every 2 degrees of actual tilt the camera view tilts 1 degree. This way you will still gave a good idea of you angle of attack without relaying on an OSD, but at the same time, you can see where you are going

The only difficulty in that design would be mitigating the lag added by the processing of the image. I have see cropping done to video in analog systems in real time, on a machine from the 70s. So there must be a way to do it in analog, without adding lag, but I wouldn't know how to do that.
Any way, just some of my ideas.