This is my first quad copter build and so i am very new to all of this. I am using a naze32(full version) and was using cleanflight to set it up. I did manage to start to set it all up without any problems. I managed to assemble the whole quad copter fine and everything seemed to be working but i could not get sbus to work on my naze 32. Every time i ticked the box to select sbus it would just untick itself. I just decided to mess around in clean-flight and started ticking some boxes that i did not know what they did(big mistake). I went onto the ports menu and ticked on some of the boxes that said UART1, UART2, SOFTSERIAL1, SOFTSERIAL2 and ticked the serial RX boxes. The naze then disconnected from my laptop and i was unable to reconnect. I am also unable to flash firmware onto it even when i short those boot-loader tabs. When i start up the board everything else works as it did before and the motors do thier little jiggle and the whole thing beeps as it did before just i cannot connect via the usb and as i didnt get to set the sbus up i cannot fly the thing.
I now realize that i have made a big mistake and as i am much more incompetent than i initially thought. I have tried looking up a solution to this online but i cant find anything and i still don't even understand what i did. Im hopping that somebody can give me an easy fix to this but deep inside i fell that i am going to have to fork out for another naze.
Any help will be greatly appriciated
I now realize that i have made a big mistake and as i am much more incompetent than i initially thought. I have tried looking up a solution to this online but i cant find anything and i still don't even understand what i did. Im hopping that somebody can give me an easy fix to this but deep inside i fell that i am going to have to fork out for another naze.
Any help will be greatly appriciated