Quick question regarding our new Retro Rocket build: my son has burned out TWO new engines in two consecutive flights. Today’s flight was less than 1.5mins long. Plane is set up to FT’s specs with all their components (matched ESC, engine, prop and recommended battery in the appropriate power pack) w/ thrust vectoring mount.
The engine gets good airflow based upon the design. Pic of the recommended motor attached. Thoughts? Seems to be a small motor for the design of the aircraft but again, is the recommendation from Flite Test.
Thoughts on possible issues? Thanks!
Quick question regarding our new Retro Rocket build: my son has burned out TWO new engines in two consecutive flights. Today’s flight was less than 1.5mins long. Plane is set up to FT’s specs with all their components (matched ESC, engine, prop and recommended battery in the appropriate power pack) w/ thrust vectoring mount.
Retro Rocket Power Add-On
This Power Ad-On includes everything you need to equip your Retro Rocket aircraft with an unique prop driven power system, minus your receiver and battery.
The engine gets good airflow based upon the design. Pic of the recommended motor attached. Thoughts? Seems to be a small motor for the design of the aircraft but again, is the recommendation from Flite Test.
Thoughts on possible issues? Thanks!