First, start with the airframe. What airframe will you be building? This will determine how much thrust you will need to make it fly. Like Xume720 said, you can select a motor based on that, and then match the other components. There are usually several power combinations that will work with a given airframe. What's great about the forum is that the members here have probably tested just about every power combination you could think of. To be honest though, a lot of this also comes down to personal preference, and that is usually determined by trying different motor/prop/battery combinations.
To answer your question above. The motor specs often identify the recommended prop for a given size battery (e.g 8X4 at 11.1V(3S)), so once you select a motor that will power your model, it is usually easy to figure out what prop to use. The motor specs also determine the ESC requirement. You must select an ECS that is rated higher than the max current the motor can handle (e.g 25A ESC for a motor that can handle up to 20A) Keep in mind you can have two motors with the same kv rating, but different max current ratings, so don't focus on just the kv when trying to select an ESC. Knowing the specs of your components is important, because helps with matching everything.