I know nothing!
Been on the side watching until now? I'm thinking you weren't really paying attention, mate! You're slipping! He completely redesigned the entire support frame from landing gear all the way through the wings. At this point, only the Lord knows if it will fly, but WOW, what an effort! Laminate the foam? Heck no! Do away with the foam. That's what he's after.Been on the side quietly watching until now! IF the plywood used turns to be too heavy there is a simple, (but a little more expensive way of reinforcing the FB pieces. Laminate them with thin balsa, (i.e. 1mm or 1/32") using the grain of the wood to align with the landing forces will make it much stronger for a little weight penalty only.
Just a thought!
Have fun!
I can say all this because he's my uncle and we talk a lot now, thanks to a wonderful common interest in foamboard aircraft. We've spoken more in the last month than we have in the last ten years. Not for lack of love, simply lack of mutual interest. Now we're talking and building and enjoying this hobby together.
That's not a digression from my point. Simply an explanation of why I can say what he's trying to do. @Hai-Lee, you do realize you just can't walk away from that one, right? Mate, that was foot in mouth, if ever it has been seen. Bring it. Show us. Put the money where the mouth is!