Turns out my little glue gun does alright. It's an Adtech Mini Hi-Temp. I don't need to say it gets nowhere near as hot as the 200 and there is a lot less time to wipe off excess and whatnot. It does however get hot enough I can push a whole glue stick through it with my thumb in just a few seconds. That's been a nice alternative to the trigger, when I needed it.
Here's today's progress:
I decided to put some regular packing tape along the wing seams on the wing bottoms. The weight is truly negligible and I figure it can't hurt.
Ironing all the little curves and corners of all the struts is a little beyond my skill level, but I wanted to try my hand at it. I'm also curious. The ironed edges are definitely stronger, and it looks great when done well, (shoutout to
@kilroy07!) but I wonder if they are also more brittle? I figure this is a good plane to find out, with all the little parts it has.
Not where I wanted to stop this evening, but I nearly made a dumb mistake and that means it's time to call it. I've errands to run tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll have anything left for building. Time will tell.