Points to remember in buying a gyro:
1) Make sure it handles V-tail, delta and regular.
2) If you are thinking about hovering in the future, make sure you get a "Rate" and "Head Holding" gyro.
3) Gyros only handle servos and you need a Flight Controller if your going to use motors say, to keep it level.
4) Make sure the gyro can be shut off by a switch for if you set the gain too high and flying, your in trouble.
5) As others say above, make sure your equipment can work with that gyro.
PS____Another use for designers:
If you are doing a experimental work, you can purchase gyros that allows you to adjust travel limits (like no up movement , but only move down 1/3 of servo travel). Example: I automated leading edge flaps so when the up pitch is applied(takeoff or landing) of the pilot, the leading edge flaps go down. How much deflection? stop it where you want with the ATV of the gyro. It is independent of the radio and the LEF will not deploy up, only down.
If interested, will do a thread and explain in detail if you want to understand setup.
Also, when exploring the Cl-84 Dynavert, needed to keep the fuse level and change the angle of the wing(hey, change it say to 8 degrees, Ink for the Crusader) used a gyro so the only change was the wing angle. I still used aileron, elevator and differential rudder to fly plane.