My first time cutting curves with iron on covering! Have always done straight line patterns before. So far it's going well!
Not pictured here is I first did a test of layering the monokote (red) over the ultracote (white) to make sure things didn't get weird with shrinkages or adhesion.
Then I put all the white under layer in place - starting at the bottom and working my way up, back to front. I did a little relief cutout for the curve section on the fuselage side so I didn't end up with a straight line at the edge of the bottom layer while the top color curved.
Then I put two pieces of covering back to back down on the glass and cut out the fuselage side pieces so they matched. Ironed the first one in place and it looked pretty good!
Don't know what weirdness is showing up as white specks in the red - maybe some trick of the light, but they certainly aren't visible in person.
Anyway, the top of the nose will get red that lines up with the fuselage red too - then some more curvy bits around the cockpit, down the turtledeck, and onto the stabilizers.