Arrgh! I had helpers getting video of my other maiden flights today, but somehow ended up back at home with no video of the All Star.
But wow - she's perfect now!
I put 4 flights on her this morning and she is an excellent flyer! The ailerons were exactly what this plane needed for me!

Responsive, but not squirrely, quick to maneuver, but goes where pointed. Stalls go straight forward, and dead sick glides are long with a good sink rate. I didn't land her dead stick yet, but I don't think it will be a problem. Stall turns are nice and predictable, spins are crazy fast, and she rolls great without dropping a bunch of altitude in the process. The only problem I ran into is the landing gear doesn't have quite enough height for touch and goes - I thought I was going to grease one by and instead the prop chewed grass and she flipped!

No damage though - went right back up sweet and easy.
This will be a "goes to the flying field every time" plane for a while!